1 John 2:26, 27 says...

Today's verses are 1 John 2:26, 27 which read,

v.26 - These things I have written to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you. 
v.27 - As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him.

John gives us the third characteristic of the antichrist:  trying to deceive the faithful.  The first is they depart from the faith and the second is that they deny the true nature of Christ as presented in the Scriptures.

"As for you,..." signifies again that John wants us and his readers to see God's way in light of the devil's distractions.  He points this out so that we will act upon it. 

"...you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you..."  This phrase is the main one in the passage.  It is not I don't need to be taught anymore or that there is no value in listening to godly teachers (basically that is what John is doing here) but the point is where is that teaching coming from?  If you are a genuine Christian, you will hear and see the true teaching of God in your life.  God will be active in keeping you walking in the truth.

Have you ever said anything wrong lately?  (Adam slowly raises his hand.)  Have you ever did anything wrong lately?  (Adam slowly raises his hand.)  Have you ever pointed out someone else who said or did something wrong that was similar to what you said or did not long after your offense?  (Adam slowly raises his hand.) 

Why did that happen?  I am sure on a human level we did that action of pointing out the others offense to justify that what we said or did wasn't "as bad" as what they said or did.  We love to compare and in a backwards way build ourselves up by pointing out what others are doing wrong worse that what we are doing wrong.  Doesn't that sentence just sound wrong all the way around.  I am building myself up by the wrong that I have done by finding someone else who is doing something I think is "more" wrong.  I feel so much better about myself.  As Bill Cosby said in his Noah routine "right."  This usually leads you to not doing anything about the wrong that you have done.

On a God level, this sin (yours) that leads to more sin (pointing out the sin of others to justify your own) God speaks through to get your attention if you are a genuine Christian.  At that moment you have the opportunity to accept the teaching of God.  You know what He is showing you is true and not a lie. 

The process is acknowledging (confessing, agreeing with God) that it is a sin and I should not have said or did what I did.  Next is the process of apologizing and asking forgiveness of God and of others that were involved.  The forgiveness of God releases me from the bondage of that sin but not the consequences of it.  Now that I am released from the grip of that sin I will be able to deal with any consequences in a godly way.  I know that if I don't do this that it will affect my relationship with God and also the relationships I have with others.  There is no way I can be a help to the one I pointed at if I don't do this.

In the genuine Christian, God is active in correcting our course.  The genuine Christian acts in obedience to God's teaching about sin in our lives and confesses it to godly handle the consequences.  The genuine Christian sees sin as not something to rationalize away but something to bring to the feet of Jesus.  The genuine Christian hears from God that what he did wrong (in this example) and needs to be corrected.  No one physically needed to tell him although God many times uses others to get His message out. 

The anointing on our lives keeps correcting our course as we are continuing to be taught by God.  Will you obey His direct teaching?

"Lord, I cherish Your direction and guidance and comfort in times of need but may I not dismiss it when it is lovingly given to me to correct a sin of my life.  You love me so much to push me to do what I know I already know and have given me the instruction of how to do it.  You are my ultimate Teacher.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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