1 John 2:24, 25 says...

Today's verses are 1 John 2:24, 25, which read,

v.24 - As for you, let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning.  If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you also will abide in the Son and in the Father.

The "...as for you..." makes us compare to something else.  John has been telling us about antichrists and how they deny who Jesus fully is.  The antichrists can really look good but if there is not total allegiance to Christ, the fruit of their lives will reveal evidently another agenda (their own).  

John says "...as for you...," his readers heard something from the beginning and what they heard was the gospel of Jesus Christ.  They heard the gospel, understood it, accepted it, bowed to it, and continue to live through it.  The word "abide" means "to remain" and the word "heard" means that along with normal hearing of the ear is the concept "to attend to" what is heard.

You gave directed attention to what you heard and it went beyond just hearing to remaining in the impact of what that message did to you and through you.  Hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ made an impact that you are still remaining with to this day.  The result of this is an intimate relationship with the Jesus and with God.

v.25 - This is the promise which He Himself made to us:  eternal life.

This verse just rings out something earlier that John wrote by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that well known John 3:16.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

"promise" - the announcement of something that is going to be furnished 
"He Himself" - a double pronoun to add the effect that this is straight from Jesus "made" - is the root of the word for promise - in effect He says it twice 
"eternal" - without beginning or end 
"life" - breathe

Jesus Himself (straight from the horse's mouth) made the announcement that He is furnishing to those who abide (remain) in Him the ability to breathe forever with Him.  Lay that alongside of anything that the antichrists or the world is offering and see how it stacks up.

Tomorrow will bring one more characteristic of the antichrist.  The first was that antichrists eventually depart from the faithful.  The second was that antichrists deny the true nature of Christ.  John gives this information to his spiritual children to warn them but also to bring praise and glory to what Jesus has provided to us who remain faithful to who He is.

"Lord, I am continually being amazed at what You did for me.  I know that the world will pull at me to diminish this view of You because they want my attention so this time with You is so important to keep my eyes on who You are.  I pray for discernment from You to spot the devil's crafty ways to shift my focus.  Amen."
Pastor Adam


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