One Sunday saying goodbye and the next Sunday saying hello...

     Knowing that I will have a very busy couple of weeks coming up, I have been trying to work on sermons ahead of time.  Working on my last sermon at Gaylord where I will be standing in a pulpit saying "goodbye" and then the next Sunday standing in another pulpit in Oglesby and saying "hello."  Completing the book of 1 Peter and then starting the book of Titus.  Again, I am so amazed at how God orchestrates His Word to be speaking about what each body needs to hear (myself especially included) at that time precisely.

     I also give God all the glory for the results of just mere following His lead.  Sunday was one of those days when God confirmed His hand in all of our lives as we continue to walk in His ways.  

     I am off to another planned Men's Retreat this weekend that I am praying will offer the men of the church to take some more steps for God.  A time to search our hearts and minds and actions and lay them before God in total surrender to His will.  I am praying for some great times on the trails and around the evening campfires.

     Peter is closing out this letter and he has set up a way for me to close out my letter to the church.  He has given me the words that I need to say one more time to the people that God has placed before me to love and shepherd for this time.  Many times the pastor is looked to for in times of need but I want you to know that it goes both ways.  I so need the members of the church before me to be the church for me and to me.

     Titus will throw me into a study of the church.  What once we just assumed through a majority of us growing up and surrounded by the church now needs to be taught when it comes to what it means to be a church member.  Many are just attenders today.  I think some of the fault lies on us leaders not teaching the desperate need to the spiritual life of a believer to be a vital part of the local church family.




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