Another trip to Oglesby...

     A successful trip to get the tractor and other items to Oglesby happened this last week.  It was also an opportunity for our son to see where we will be living and serving and also to meet some of the people who we are coming to love.

     Some pre-Sunday reflections:  Peter is finishing up his letter with a p.s. to the church leadership.  He has answered the question about how to live as a Christian in a very hostile world and now he is asking them to look around at the "others" that are around them.  This message will be a lot about shepherding and the shepherd so some explanation of this will be necessary because this is so much not a part of our world today.  

     Our world has changed so much that once what was common knowledge because so many of us we raised on a farm is now something we have to teach or inform to get the point across to an analogy in the Bible.   The illustrations are so rich with meaning when you understand more fully the picture that Jesus and others are presenting.  So we will learn about sheep tomorrow morning (the main picture that Jesus uses in describing us, the church) and then the shepherd emerges as someone so desperately needed in the life of the sheep.



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