What a weekend...

God works in strange but also marvelous ways. Steph and I have tried our best to be faithful with our work in the Lord but sometimes there can be dry spells when it seems nothing is happening on the church front. So we continue to plan and work in people's lives and trust the Lord for the harvest that He will collect. And then comes a weekend like this one. We hosted a Marriage Day at a local resort and we had 55 people show up to see a series by Andy Stanley called "Staying in Love." Those sessions rocked the room. Then came a Sunday morning that saw 6 stand for the Lord - to respond to Jesus' call to follow Him. The music was powerful and I could tell that the Holy Spirit was leading my words as we walked through the passage of the morning. God impresses those times to end the sermon with an invitation call and it verifies His leading on this church. A couple in the church in need was helped by a group within the church. And the testim...