Spring has sprung!!!!...

So we have hit the 70's and we are loving it. After a day of running a church rummage sale, we had enough time to till up one of the three exposed gardens. I was actually able to double the size of this space and it is definitely the spot that receives the most sun so we are thankful that we have the land. I never thought we would have more garden for just the 2 of us but we are so excited to get out there. Stephanie planted some lettuce so the garden is officially started. The bike is calling my name so maybe today is the day to bring it down from the rafters and pump up the tires. Other projects have been completed and some as far as I can take them right now so a ride would be in order. My legs will probably tell me otherwise when I get just a little to far from the house. Another great Sunday morning and doing double duty with leading worship singing and preaching. It wasn't suppose to be that way but things happen. The band was on th...