Spring break and Easter...

     I love the coming of Spring and also the greatest day in the life of the church, Easter (Resurrection Sunday).  What sorrows me is that our communities sometimes put the two together and the greatest day in the life of the church suffers. 

     As much as I would like to think that those who leave during this time will walk into a church and celebrate the resurrection of Christ, sometimes with travel times it makes this a hard possibility.  With our vacations hinged around our children in far away places, we try to plan to be in a house of worship with them but sometimes it becomes a travel day and so Christian radio and sermons are what we take in during that time. 
     But what I am really sorrowful for is that it knocks out the built in opportunity to reach out to those who only make it to church on that Sunday.  So we have Spring Break week starting on Good Friday and going through the next week and that means a family who only comes to church on that Sunday and maybe Christmas or Christmas Eve are most likely going to hit the road and now they will only be in church 1 day this year.

     This is one of those situations where I see how the nation is getting farther from where it once was.  I don't ever remember a Spring Break week as a child happening during or around Easter.  I remember getting Good Friday off so that we could go to church for usually a community service.  As much as I want to compete against the world on this, I need to realize that a change would only occur when those who are in charge value again the place of God's church in this place.  That may never happen, but oh how I pray for it.




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