Alpena Family Camp...

     I have spent so many Father's Day preaching and then loading up the car to head to Alpena Family Camp and get there in time to set up the sound system and get ready for the evening service.  It is a pretty hairy day but I know that I will get some down time at the camp to just read and study.  Some good friends offer their camping unit for us to use and we are so thankful for its comforts.  This year we will be doing the music again.  I think I have held every position at camp except for cook and each has its benefits and joys.  Maybe a bike ride on the Chippewa trails might happen along with a trip in to walk the Lake Huron beach.

     Tomorrow is a sermon on fasting.  Fasting and prayer always go together in the Bible and it is no surprise that Jesus teaches on how to pray and then on how to fast.  It will be good to go through the priority and period and principles of fasting against the many reasons the world has picked up this discipline.  I was amazed to come across some fasting that we do naturally and now I see why.

     Midweek worship is going well.  Our study on Daniel is going to be a great time this summer.  Chapter 2 yielded the response of the wise men to King Nebuchnezzar that what the king was asking was impossible for man and only the gods could do it who were not with the flesh.  Daniel gives the same response that it was impossible for man but then he says, "...but there is a God in heaven" and that God wants to communicate with you.  Daniel has the opportunity to show the difference between "the" God and the gods and especially His connection with us.  That same message is still needed today.  



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