A busy, busy week...

     I kind of feel like my kids in college with the week that I am in right now.  A sermon to prepare for this Sunday, (that is nothing new) but also a Men's Retreat to prepare for that I am so looking forward to but for it to go off as it is in my head will take a lot of work.  This one will have 3 worship/teaching sessions along with more group activities than those we have done in the past.  Stephanie is helping me out so much with food prep that will keep us out of the kitchen and in there only at a minimum.  Weather seems to be going in our favor so once I get the paper and slide prep in place, I need to spend some time on my knees for this one.

     So I am preparing sessions on the subject of Manhood and Womanhood from the Bible and also living radically for Christ for the Retreat.  John Piper and David Platt are helping me out via videos.  I am also going to try using worship videos in that setting to provide that element.  For Sunday morning we have made it into chapter 6 of Matthew!!!  We go from Jesus talking about what they have been taught to what they are actually doing.  Here is the point that we need both good theology and good actions.  Those who have good theology but bad actions are fulfilling faith without works and those with bad theology and good actions are fulfilling the idea that I can just do enough good things to get there.  Jesus will tackle the action of giving in this passage.

     I will end this today with the first verse of chapter 6 of Matthew.  It is a warning.

"Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people
in order to be seen by them,
for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven."

     These will be some tough messages about hypocrisy.



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