Steve and Annie Chapman, a blast from the past...

     I remember first coming in contact with Steve and Annie through the Focus on the Family series called "Turn Your Heart Toward Home."  They wrote the theme song for the series.  The next times that I came across Steve Chapman was at a couple different wild game dinners.  I was very impressed by his skill through story telling and also relating spiritual matters of the heart through everyday experiences.

     Tonight Stephanie and I were able to attend a marriage seminar with both Steve and Annie at a local church.  What a great way to end the day.  When you have someone be totally honest about where they are at and where God has taken them it is so powerful.  Some of the analogies that Annie shared tonight will travel with me the rest of my life.  Her statement that we can't forgive until we see ourselves on the same level as the other person.  You can't forgive someone if you see yourself on a different level.  The world usually raises the offender up through excuses.  God brings us down to the level that we are all sinners and that is why I can forgive another because we are all the same in the sight of God.

     It was also great to have about 9 other couples with us at this event.  It is so important to continue to put yourself in places of learning.  Sometimes those times of learning are not particularly "your style" but I have learned that if you hang in there, God will give you what you need if He led you there.  We are looking forward for what God has for us tomorrow.



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