A banner day...

     I did not ride my bike all last year.  My surgery was in July.  Today, I got dropped off in town by Stephanie and I rode all the way home, 18 miles.  I was able to climb all the hills without going into granny gear.  I am very tired but I think my legs faired better than I thought and I have the typical first ride sore rump.  It is pretty unbelievable that I am doing this in March but I will take it.  With gas up to $4.00 a gallon this will become a necessity again.  I will probably sleep really good tonight or even yet this afternoon but it was well worth it.

     Last Sunday's sermon was on adultery and lust and marriage and divorce in the sermon on the mount passage.  Jesus is driving us to go deeper as He did with the murder passage.  Murder starts with unresolved anger and physical adultery starts with mental adultery and divorce starts with unhealthy behaviors toward each other.

     Every time I preach on marriage and divorce it seems to lead to the need to preach on it a couple more times to answer some of the questions I get afterwards.  Our culture has walked so far away from scriptural standards that when you state them they sound so foreign that they can't be right, can they?  So this Sunday and next we will be going back to God's creation of marriage and His definition of it.  We will look at why He hates divorce so much and also why there is even marriage.  It will probably put a downer on those getting married soon because it really comes down to God being glorified and it is not really about you standing at the altar.  The mystery of marriage is that God left His home and came to cleave to His wife, the church so that they could become one.  Ever marriage is to be a picture of what God's love is like so that others would join the family and glorify Him.  It keeps going back to making sure God is the end and not the means in our lives.

     The sap is still running but I don't know how long it will be.  We will have a gallon done today and it was great to have some fresh syrup on our vegan pancakes this morning.  What a treat!!!



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