Some more quotes on marriage....

     Here are some more quotes from the book I am reading this Christmas season, Tim Keller's "The Meaning of Marriage - Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God".  This is a deep book and I am finding things that I will definitely use in counseling and also from the pulpit during the wedding ceremony.

"Wedding vows are not a declaration of present lovebut a mutually binding promise of future love.A wedding should not be primarily a celebration of how loving you feel now--that can safely be assumed.Rather, in a wedding you stand up before God, your family, and all the main institutions of society,and you promise to be loving, faithful, and true to the other person in the future,regardless of undulating internal feelings or external circumstances."

"Having said this, it is important to observe that of the two--emotion and action--it is the latter (action) that we have the most control over.It is the action of love that we can promise to maintain every day."

"So if your definition of 'love' stresses affectionate feelings more than unselfish actions,you will cripple your ability to maintain and grow strong love relationships.On the other hand, if you stress the action of love over the feeling,you enhance and establish the feeling.That is one of the secrets of living life, as well as of marriage."

     Here is a video of a lecture that has got Stephanie and I thinking about what we put into our mouths.  It may seem a little dry but if you can hang in there it has a lot of good information.  I am not in the position to endorse all things on this video but information helps you make decisions on your own.  This might be something to watch if you have healthier eating or diet on the New Year Resolution list.



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