First post for December, sorry for the lag...

     I am coming up on the one year anniversary of this blog.  I am thinking about making the challenge for myself of blogging every single day in 2012.  It will be tough but I think it would be good for me to take this on.

     Sunday's service was another God-anointed, Spirit-directed, Jesus-worship time.  We ushered in the Christmas season with "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and "The Great I Am" along with communion. It was a Sunday to follow the text of Malachi and talk about what it talks about, divorce and marriage and next week is about giving.  Tough stuff to talk about but I am so convinced that we don't talk about the tough stuff enough.  I think many walk around not knowing what the Word of God says and rely on  other sources to get the answers rather than the Bible.  We love to make up our own rules.  I find that when you give people the Biblical answers it gives them the opportunity to ask forgiveness if needed and receive God's forgiveness or it gives comfort of the knowledge of what to do or to say.

     My last slide was desperately needed after talking about marriage and divorce and remarriage and the abuses that God hates in those areas.  Here are the points.

1.  God hates divorces but God loves divorced people.
2.  God is serious about the command for Christians to marry Christians.  It should be the first question you ask and you observe in practice.
3.  God forgives unbiblical divorce.
4.  We need to change our attitude about divorce, based on God's original plan for marriage.
5.  What the world makes legal in practice is not always going to be right in the eyes of God.

     This week I am studying the area of giving in Malachi 3.  They say that 1 out of every 10 verses deal with money in the Scripture or should 1 out of every 10 sermons should deal with it?  I think we take Frank Sintra's method when it comes to giving, "I Did It My Way." instead of doing it God's way.  Should be another interesting Sunday.



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