Matthew 10:5-15...Jesus teaches minimalism
See the lone pine tree coming up from the rock island? This is Lone Pine Lake in the RMNP and it was named after a lone pine tree on that island. I think the original pine tree died but another came up in its place or was planted there. A minimalist of one in a land of an abundance of pine trees. I think minimalism is not only about having less or only what you need but also being more focused on what you have. You tend to care for those things you have decided to keep because they are all that you have. Life was very different when the kids were growing up and at times there were 3 or 4 cars on the property. When you reduce to 1 you treat that vehicle very differently and maintain it more meticulously. You zero in on one type of engine, one size of tires, and one manual.
Jesus is giving His disciples, now called apostles, instructs that help them to focus on what is ahead of them. He wants them to be prepared by following what He says. His instructions are pretty specific.
- Where to go - the region of Galilee, not the land of the Gentiles or the cities of the Samaritans - go local
- Who to go to - the target group is the lost sheep of the house of Israel - those receptive within the house of Israel who are sheep looking for their Shepherd
- What to say - the kingdom of heaven is at hand - just like He and John the Baptist said
- How to get their attention - heal, cleanse, raise and cast out - the ability to serve through actions He was doing
- What to take - rather what not to take and see God provide what was needed
- How to give the message and the muscle - freely, undeservedly - no charge for the knowledge and the physical care given
- Where to stay - a worthy home
- How to know - tell your story
- What kind of responses - either receive or reject
- How to respond to the responses - receive/stay or reject/move on
- Why the mission - because of God's coming judgment
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