Matthew 10:27-33...Fear not who and fear who?
The link above is for the service given last Sunday on this passage of scripture from the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus is nearing the end of His instruction to His disciples/apostles that He will be sending out. Here is a crude review of chapter 10 so far.
- Jesus names His disciples.
- Jesus moves them from disciples (learners) to apostles (official sent ones).
- Jesus gives them the ability to do what He has been doing.
- Jesus tells them the message to give.
- Jesus tells them what to take and not to take.
- Jesus tells them where to go and who to go to.
- Jesus tells them where to stay.
- Jesus tells them of the responses of receiving and rejecting.
- Jesus tells them how to respond to the responses.
- Jesus focuses on how to deal with rejection.
- Jesus tells them of the 4 areas of persecution: religious authorities, governing authorities, family and all of society
- Jesus tells them not to fear them.
This passage focuses on this word "fear." It is mentioned 4 times if we include verse 26. In the Greek it is "φόβος" (phobos)" in which we get our word "phobia." I like this word because it gives us the importance of studying the content and also the context. This passage uses both definitions of fear and allows us to apply it rightly to the subject that is tied it. It brings out a more fuller understanding of God's words to us.
Simply put one definition of fear causes us to "flee" and the other definition of fear causes us to "follow." We are not to fear man (flee from man who is applying persecution) but we are to fear God (follow in obedience God who we reverence and are in awe of). When you put these definitions into place with their appropriate subject matters the passage gives more direction on how we are to respond to persecution toward us "for His names sake."
"And do not fear (flee, be in fright of) those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear (be in awe and reverence leading to following) Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28 (NKJV) (parenthesizes are mine)
Those who fear man (flee, be in fright of) end up denying Christ before men (v.33) and those fear God (be in awe and reverance leading to following) end up confessing Christ before men (v.32). Jesus show us the result of our obedience and disobedience in verses 32 and 33. The consequences are not even close. Man has limits upon us that God does not. So the question to end with is, "Are we fleeing or following?"
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