Matthew 10:16-26...4 resistances


I will get back to this picture in a little bit.  Just enough to say this was my snowshoeing guide for a new ridge one morning last week.

Jesus is continuing to instruct His disciples, now apostles, on what they will find on their missionary journey.  They have went from being students and learners of Rabbi Jesus to being official representatives of His being sent out on a mission with a message.  They would speak on behalf of Rabbi Jesus with His very words.  What would they find?

After telling them what region to go to; what people to speak to; what to take and not take; where to stay; and the responses they will get; Jesus zeroes in on the rejection response.  Being received would be easy, just stay and set up camp.  The rejection response to them as an official ambassador of Rabbi Jesus and also rejecting His very words was to shake the dust from your sandals and move on.  Don't come home and don't give up but rather let it be a testimony to you of why you are there.  The just judgment of God was coming, the wrath of God, and you told them of the way of escape through the grace of God by His Son Jesus Christ.  I think the temptation to stop at the first hint of rejection is strong.  We so easily throw in the towel as they say.

Jesus loves illustrations so He gives His disciples four animals to think about.

First are the sheep, what they are.  They are sheep who are following the Shepherd.  They look to the Shepherd for food, protection, guidance, instruction and care.  

Second are the wolves, what they are not.  The sheep of the Shepherd are sent out into the midst of wolves who attack for self gain.  They are the thief in John 10:10 that comes to steal and to kill and to destroy.  

Third are the serpents who usually represent Satan as in Genesis 3:1.  But the quality of the serpent that is raised up to consider is his thinking ability.  He is using his brain as he looks at the situation that he is in.  He is looking at it from every angle before he responds.  A sheep of the Shepherd needs to use his knowledge and wisdom when he is in the midst of the wolves.

Lastly are the doves who are represented in Genesis 8 as loyal to Noah after the flood.  They came back to Noah after being sent out to check out if the waters had receded.  The response after thinking as the serpent to the wolves situation is to respond with your heart of loyalty to the Shepherd who has told you how to respond.  

Now Jesus tells His disciples about the wolves that they will face or where they might reside.  Each situation will require some thinking as a serpent to respond appropriately as a dove.  We also see that Jesus is speaking from upcoming experience when He names these four.

The first is the religious authorities.  The second is the governing authorities.  The third is family.  The fourth and final is all of society.  

Jesus would face persecution from the religious authorities and He usually responded with taking them back to the Scriptures. "Have you not read?"  Jesus would face persecution from the governing authorities and He responded with straightforward answers to questions.  Jesus would face persecution from His family who thought He was out of His mind by what He was saying but He responded with challenge to see things differently, i.e. the spiritual realm rather than just the physical one.  Finally, Jesus would face persecution from all of society as they shouted "Crucify Him" and "Give us Barabbas!"  Jesus responded with grace and went to the cross for them.

Jesus tells His disciples and us that we will face the same persecution points.  We will need to do the same by using our brain and then follow up with the actions of the heart to stay on mission.  Remember Jesus went all the way to the cross to fulfill His Father's will.  Persecution might make us shake the dust off our sandals in this one area but it also means we will find some more dust from other areas to pick up because we have moved on.  The warning of the wrath of God and the good news of the grace of God needs to be proclaimed until the Son of Man comes again.  

Back to the picture.  I think these persecution pressure points make the family of God so much more precious.  Jesus said to His disciples in so many words "How much more will they persecute you who follow Me?"  I would add, "How much more precious are those who are walking the same path, sheep like you in the midst of the wolves?"  My snowshoeing guide is a dear sister in Christ from the church I pastor.  She and her husband have some land that butts up against federal land so the trails are abundant.  The hour making our way up to the ridge to see God's great creation was what this sheep needed.  A cup of coffee after the trek with this couple in the warmth of their home was a picture of being received as one in Christ rather than being rejected as a follower of the Shepherd.  Thank you Jesus for warning us of the wolves but also giving us other sheep to walk with.



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