
Showing posts from January, 2023

Philemon...part 1...forgiveness and connectedness

  What a great picture.  Paul in chains, writing in his own hand at least one part of this letter to Philemon.  Paul is the church member writing to another church member about another church member.  He is pushing his child in the Lord, Onesimus, to do the right thing Biblically and also pushing his brother in the Lord, Philemon, to do so also. This little letter, 25 verses, is so full of instruction and application.  You can study each main character, Paul, Philemon and Onesimus, and find yourself at times if you are part of the family of God.  Sometimes you are the one writing the letter, the one carrying the letter, or the one receiving the letter.   Paul has a relationship with both of these men to guide them to be obedient to God's word.  Sometimes we are put in this position for the sake of another family member that we are in relationship with.  Philemon is not only a church member but a church leader who has many eyes watching h...

The P.S. of 1 Peter...and a deliberate slowness...1 Peter 5:12-14

  I remember this sign on the back of our 1930 Ferguson tractor as a boy.  SMV = Slow Moving Vehicle.  I think that describes me at the moment.  I like to think that I am moving slowly deliberately, on purpose, and for a moment yet to be seen.  I am sure there are at least a couple sermon illustrations in what I just said and am experiencing.  All those praying for me and my recovery, thank you over and over and over again.  There is progress!!! I have become a SMV moving through God's word.  We finished 1 Peter last Sunday after starting toward the end of June 2022.  17 official sermons for the 5 chapters, 105 verses, and 1684 words of this book of the Bible.  Many things were learned along the way like the 4 commands and the 4 mandates.  Overarching was to remember Peter's audience of 1st century persecuted Christians.  Not ever seeing the level of persecution they were enduring, it was eye-opening to hear his instruction of ...

The Big "Therefore" - 1 Peter 5:6-11...and a great fall

  That is a scary sight!  The end to my workday on Tuesday resulted in a great fall down an interior staircase.  "One more thing" Adam was moving too fast for the conditions and I made a very fast descend to the next landing.  This is what most people will notice when I see them next but the real pain is the 4 cracked ribs with one of them cracked both in the front and the back.  Why am I posting this?   We have been walking through the book of 1 Peter for the last 7 months.  Peter has been writing to the 1st century Christians who were being heavily persecuted.  They were suffering because they were followers of Jesus Christ.  They refused to say, "Caesar is lord."   In the photo you see someone suffering at the moment but it is different than what Peter has been writing of and encouraging his " beloved " to stay " firm in the faith. "  Some physical pain might be similar after what they are enduring but the reason for the af...

Back to 1 Peter - 1 Peter 5:1-5...A conversation from a leader to leaders

  This is a famous statue of Peter.  We have ventured back into the book after a 2 month break.  It was so refreshing to see some of his familiar terms and also the opportunity to do a big review of what we have learned so far.  Here is a list of the summary. Author:  Peter Audience:  1st C. persecuted Christians in the region of Asia Minor Autographed:  62-63 A.D. God planned our salvation for glorification. (to be with God) Jesus purchased our salvation for justification. (to be right before God) The Holy Spirit polishes our salvation for sanctification. (to live now for God) 4 Commands: 1.  Set your hope full on the grace...1.13 2.  Be holy in all your conduct...1.16 3.  Conduct yourselves with fear (reverence)...1.17 4.  Love one another earnestly...1.22 4 Mandates: 1.  That you may proclaim the excellencies of Him...2.9 2.  So that you might follow in His steps...2.21 3.  But on the contrary bless not revile.....