The P.S. of 1 Peter...and a deliberate slowness...1 Peter 5:12-14


I remember this sign on the back of our 1930 Ferguson tractor as a boy.  SMV = Slow Moving Vehicle.  I think that describes me at the moment.  I like to think that I am moving slowly deliberately, on purpose, and for a moment yet to be seen.  I am sure there are at least a couple sermon illustrations in what I just said and am experiencing.  All those praying for me and my recovery, thank you over and over and over again.  There is progress!!!

I have become a SMV moving through God's word.  We finished 1 Peter last Sunday after starting toward the end of June 2022.  17 official sermons for the 5 chapters, 105 verses, and 1684 words of this book of the Bible.  Many things were learned along the way like the 4 commands and the 4 mandates.  Overarching was to remember Peter's audience of 1st century persecuted Christians.  Not ever seeing the level of persecution they were enduring, it was eye-opening to hear his instruction of what to focus on during this time, how to respond and what to remember.

Peter finishes his letter with a P.S. that includes 3 vertebrates of the backbone of a healthy church body and also the mention of 2 men in strategic places in his life.

One vertebrate of a healthy church body is the "true grace of God" which is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The church anchors on this fact that God sent His Son who died upon a tree and rose on the third day.  He ascended into heaven and is coming again.  All who respond in faith with belief of and repentance to will receive escape from the wrath of God's just judgment and also eternal life.  

Another vertebrate of a healthy church body is the "kiss of love" among the body.  There is a culturally appropriate affection for one another in the family of God.  It is a love that extends from us for the other person and their benevolence.  

The third vertebrate of a healthy church body is the "peace to all of you in Christ."  A state of tranquility to y'all, as a group and each individually, now and forever more.  The church body lives in harmony with one another to walk through any adversity clutching the practices of Jesus Christ.

Peter mentions his faithful brother in the Lord, Silvanus and also his spiritual son in the Lord, Mark.  Silvanus, the faithful brother will carry this letter all over Asia Minor in a role that Peter would have done himself.  Mark, the spiritual son, is at Peter's side caring for the older disciple of the Lord.  It is interesting this Sunday to preach through the book of Philemon and see the same pairing.  Paul calls Philemon a brother and Onesimus his son.  

May we be so thankful for the Silvanus's and Philemon's that God brings across our paths to be shoulder to shoulder with as Christians in this fallen world.  They share the load of the Great Commission and give mutual commitment to God's words.  Also, we should be so thankful and humbled for the Mark's and Onesimus's who we are able mentor into greater spiritual maturity.  We are able to see and aid, with our experiences of faith and failure, the next generation of God's family.  Remember that sometimes that next generation is not always younger than us in years.  

I will finish with these verses that came at the close of the sermon.  

Colossians 1:19-23 (God's plan first and then our response)

19 - For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, 

20 - and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.

21 - And although you were formerly alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evils deeds,

22 - yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach--

23 - if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, was made a minister.


P.S. - God, thank You for 1 Peter and for those I have walked with together through Your words.


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