Back to 1 Peter - 1 Peter 5:1-5...A conversation from a leader to leaders


This is a famous statue of Peter.  We have ventured back into the book after a 2 month break.  It was so refreshing to see some of his familiar terms and also the opportunity to do a big review of what we have learned so far.  Here is a list of the summary.

Author:  Peter

Audience:  1st C. persecuted Christians in the region of Asia Minor

Autographed:  62-63 A.D.

God planned our salvation for glorification. (to be with God)

Jesus purchased our salvation for justification. (to be right before God)

The Holy Spirit polishes our salvation for sanctification. (to live now for God)

4 Commands:

1.  Set your hope full on the grace...1.13

2.  Be holy in all your conduct...1.16

3.  Conduct yourselves with fear (reverence)...1.17

4.  Love one another earnestly...1.22

4 Mandates:

1.  That you may proclaim the excellencies of Him...2.9

2.  So that you might follow in His steps...2.21

3.  But on the contrary bless not revile...3.9

4.  Always be prepared to make a defense...3.15

Lastly, we are in the red zone!  This age is marked by Jesus' 1st coming and the age to come is marked by Jesus' second coming.  

Peter addresses three groups in the passage.  The first group are the local elders of the churches this letter is going out to.  The second group are the young men to submit (arrange themselves under) the local elders.  The third group comprises of "all of you, " the addresses of 1.1-2.

Peter practices what he preaches and he also preaches what he practices.  

He exhorts (v.1) (encourages) these fellow elders rather than putting them under compulsion (v.2) (twisting their arms). 

He calls them fellow elders (v.1) rather than domineering over (v.3) them.

He speaks to them as a partaker (v.1) with them (to share) rather than for shameful gain (v.2).

Peter displays (practices) what he is instructing (preaches) them to be and do.

We have the picture of a spiritual leader who is willingly serving, eager to be used of God, and leading with their godly example.  This example is already in existent to be imitated.  

The highlight of the sermon for me were the 3 references to God in the passage.  "The flock of God" reminds us that there is but one Savior and Redeemer and the gathering is because of His doing.  "As God would have you" reminds us that our actions and words are to imitate His.  "When the chief Shepherd appears" reminds us to keep pointing to His return.  Adhering to these 3 references of God will keep our church gatherings on point to help in the fulfillment of the Great Commission and display the Great Commandments to love God and love others.  

God's men look like what the Bible says they should be.



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