Sometimes chewing comes in the night...sermon video post...Acts 4:5-22..Me, We, or He?

I had to admit this Sunday that part of the sermon was developed in my sleep the night before. It happens sometimes. I am sure I must not have been in a deep sleep but maybe in that twilight stage but I really wish I would have been like Daniel and got up and wrote down all the thoughts that were going on in my head. I was able to retain the central thought the next morning and therefore it made it into the sermon. What was it? This passage deals with another sermon of Peter's or maybe it is just an extension of the previous one. Walking through the Scriptures, chapter by chapter and verse by verse, requires some walking backwards before moving forward with the congregation and it could feel like an extension from Sunday to Sunday. I think this is a good thing. Peter's preaching has some common themes like "this is part of God's redemption plan," "let me tell you about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus," and "repent a...