Sometimes chewing comes in the night...sermon video post...Acts 4:5-22..Me, We, or He?


I had to admit this Sunday that part of the sermon was developed in my sleep the night before.  It happens sometimes.  I am sure I must not have been in a deep sleep but maybe in that twilight stage but I really wish I would have been like Daniel and got up and wrote down all the thoughts that were going on in my head.  I was able to retain the central thought the next morning and therefore it made it into the sermon.  What was it?

This passage deals with another sermon of Peter's or maybe it is just an extension of the previous one.  Walking through the Scriptures, chapter by chapter and verse by verse, requires some walking backwards before moving forward with the congregation and it could feel like an extension from Sunday to Sunday.  I think this is a good thing.  

Peter's preaching has some common themes like "this is part of God's redemption plan," "let me tell you about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus," and "repent and receive Jesus as the Messiah."  Peter ties the immediate and complete physical healing of the lame man from birth at the gate called Beautiful of the temple to the possible immediate and complete spiritual healing of those who witnessed this physical healing completed in Jesus' name.  Peter makes the invitation to them, even those who crucified Jesus and rejected Him as the cornerstone, and shares how they could leap for joy because they are freed of their sins and able to stand before God justified.  This justification comes through what has already been done by and through Christ on the cross and His resurrection from the grave.

It is a presidential election year and we are getting our full of mail, advertisements, and speeches from the political candidates at every level.  I have noticed a huge difference between politicians and preacher Peter.  

Some politicians focus on the idea for their audience to look at me"If you follow me I will get you what you want.  I have the answers."

Some politicians focus on the idea for their audience to look at we"We are good people and if we all join up under a central cause we can get what we want.  We have the power to make change happen."

Preacher Peter's focus is the idea for his audience to look at He"Don't look at me and don't look at we but look at He.  The answer for our world in not found in me or in we but rather in what He has done that we need to respond to." 

The focal point of our messages needs to be on He, capital "H."  Whatever our world throws at us, we will not respond in a way that glorifies God if we are not focused on He rather than me or we.  Preacher Peter doesn't miss an opportunity to talk about He.



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