Sunday chews and a video sermon post - Acts 2:37-47


Yes, that is a gum wall that you can find in Seattle, Washington.  It is now a tourist stop to the city.  You chew some gum and add it to all those who have come before.  They say it is a place to see and smell but watch where you walk!

I am chewing some more about the sermon text from Sunday.  Specifically Acts 2:42-47 in which I have preached from many times and I usually pull out the true marks of a church.  A Christian church is devoted to... learning from God's word, Christian fellowship, worship of Jesus, and devoted to prayer.  The byproduct of this devotion is service of others.  

This Sunday I take a step back to verse 41 and the definition of "they."  Who are "they?"

"They" are those who are true converts, the 3000 souls added to God's family that day.  The truly converted soul is described as someone who is devoted to God's word, Christian fellowship, worship of Jesus and prayer.  The byproduct of the truly converted soul is service unto others.  Instead of looking at these verses in light of the whole church, I spent some time focusing on these devotions in light of each individual truly converted soul.  

Does this not only describe our church, does this describe me?

This the biblical model given to us of a typical Christian church and a typical Christian convert.  This is not a supernatural or rare church or convert but rather the typical response.  This devotion resulted in the Lord adding to their number, souls saved.  Not just physical bodies to fill the pews but people who actually repented (turned to Jesus); were baptized in the name of Jesus (publicly identified with Jesus); because of the forgiveness of sins by Jesus; and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit from Jesus.  If we desire this to happen in our churches, do you think it will happen among those who are not so devoted?

Our devotion can wander and lately the world has offered many things for us to wander to.  What has replaced God's Word?  What has replaced Christian fellowship?  What has replaced the worship of Jesus?  What has replaced our prayers to the Father?  Now that we know the definition of the typical church and convert, we need to strive to be the definition so that proper God glorifying service comes from us.  

The reduction of devotion in these 4 areas also affects the motive in which we serve others.  Our service can turn inward and be something that glorifies ourselves, how great we are, rather than being another opportunity to point to how great God is.

I think if I am ever in Seattle, I will have to make sure to visit the gum wall and add my contribution to all those have come before and view its massive size.  As a follower of Christ and here on planet earth for a short time, I have the opportunity to add to God's wall my life along with those who have come before me as stuck to something greater than myself.  

Still chewing - Adam


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