COVID-19 online sermon #8 on my 3 year journey through the Gospel of Luke

The sermon title this morning is a combination of four persons or groups.  The betrayer is Judas Iscariot; the Benefactors are the lording Gentiles; the boaster is Simon Peter; and the believers are the "sent" ones.  

The things that will happen to Jesus as we focus on path to the cross have been determined.  The unfolding of God's plan involves these men as a part of the plan but the Scriptures have been written on how this would go down.  The disciples have come back with reports at times after being sent out on assignment by Jesus that it was "just as He had said."  The disciples are starting to grasp this when Jesus says one of them will betray Him and though they question and argue about it they don't deny that it is going to happen.  

Jesus will address the disciples ambition by redirecting it to be something worthy of holy ambition.  He wants them to be great but it won't be great in His kingdom until they start living like He was living.  The greatest One reclining at the table was the One who was serving them.  A Savior who serves now is showing us that we who follow after Him are to do the same.  We serve now and that means sometimes we suffer for carrying His name to the world.  Peter steps forward as he always does and makes some grand statements and Jesus doesn't deny that he would go to prison and die for the faith.  But, there was some transformation that had to happen with Peter's leadership practices.  

Lastly, "for I tell you" and "for it is written" are put on the same playing field by Jesus.  He is playing out John 1.  He is equating Himself with the Word of God.  It is fulfilled "in" or "by" Him and it is "about" or "concerning" Him.  These four conversations at the end of the Passover Meal gave us a plateful to think about this Sunday.




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