#7 - COVID-19 online sermon - The ushering in of the New Covenant - sermon post

A little grainy but this is life for the next two weeks.  Stephanie is back in Maine from an unintended extended stay in Florida of 6 weeks and because of a mandatory 14 day quarantine by the state of Maine of those traveling into the state, she is upstairs and I am downstairs.  She sends down food and dirty laundry and I send up dirty dishes and clean laundry.  A crazy time we live in but it will probably be a couple more very productive weeks while we wait to hug each other again.  2 months is a long time.....

Another online masters class completed and this week I start the class on the historical books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther.  A lot of reading ahead of me and a couple of papers. Each class has been challenging but also rewarding.  If anything, I can not slack on keeping ahead so everything gets done on time.  I hope to preach a sermon on my final paper of my last class on the scripture passage Psalm 2.  Maybe I will record it and post it here.

How I long for the faces of the congregation.  Each week I think I get a little more use to speaking to the camera but the faces are what I long for.  The faces give me so much information to allow me to adjust my sermon on the fly.  Today's message was one that kept "blowing my mind" as I studied throughout the week.  Jesus' Passover Meal with His disciples fulfilled so many Old Testament scriptures and especially Jeremiah 31:31-34.  Jesus' very words and the setting gave no doubt that the New Covenant had come.

For those following our interim process, we have received 29 resumes, conducted a ZOOM interview with one and another is slated for this week.  We continue to ask for more information of others and the search team is energized with the work that is ahead of them.  I have listened to so many sermons and also praying for those who are walking through this same scenario with their churches.  Please pray with us as we continue to discover who God has appointed to come to Machias, Maine.  

God bless your week and here is the latest from the Machias Valley Baptist Church!




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