Monday Reflections...mission in Uganda...latest Luke sermon posting

After another great Sunday morning at Machias Valley Baptist Church we had an evening service that featured a mission in the country of Uganda.  I am always thankful to hear about what is going on around the world in the name of Jesus Christ but also to hear from those whose hearts are so passionately tied to that area of the world.

Hope and Mercy Missions is a ministry to the community.  Make sure to click on the link and see all the ministries that are happening there.  We heard about the development of a school for the children, a school of the pastors, and evangelism to neighboring towns, churches, and other schools.  A school in Uganda is more than just classroom time.  It involves food, lodging, parental care and many times medical care.  

Pastor Bob Emrich is the US Director.  He spoke of the operations in the States but also about mission trips taken each year to Uganda.  He is an alumnus of the church I am serving.  He was an associate pastor here for about 4 or 5 years as a young man and then onto a full time pastorate positions in other parts of Maine.  His heart is fully engaged in being a spokesman away from the Ugandan field to share the mission.

Pastor Paul Mwesigwa is the Uganda Director.  Pastor Paul has a heart for every part of the community.  I think seeing the churches that were being erected was the most impactful for me.  Tarps around a stand of trees for a meeting place to a nice brick building in the center of town and with a pastor trained at the school for two years is a good picture of the scope of this ministry.

Hearing of this ministry in Uganda made me think about the community that I am in.  Do I look that far out or am I zeroed in on just what is happening inside our four walls?  Do I see the connection between what is happening at MVBC and the community of Machias?  So I went to bed last night trying to think bigger about the impact Christ following Christians to this community.


p.s. - The sermon from last Sunday on Luke 18:15-17


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