Proverbs 27:5-8 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 27:5-8, which read,

v.5, 6 - Better is open rebuke than love that is concealed.  Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.

These proverbs are hard to experience but they are so true.  If I am going to be a true friend to another then there are times that I am going to have to speak the truth in love about some tough things in my friend's life.  Instead of standing around in silence like all the rest of his or her so-called friends are doing, I will have to speak up in a Biblical way if I am truly a friend and really care about them.

Those wounds may leave a mark and ache deep but they are better than the destruction that will come from an enemy who is buttering me up for a fall.  Have you been wounded by a friend before?  Have you had someone tell you something that you didn't want to hear but you knew you needed to hear it?  How did you respond to that information?  Usually we try to defend ourselves but if we are wise unto God we will let it sink in and look at our friend who brought it and their motive to help and not hinder.  You and I will realize that it was for our good and it was an expression of love that is more real than the kisses of the enemy.  It is hard to pray for this and also hard to do this when the Holy Spirit taps you on the shoulder to say something to your friend.  

If you are receiving the correction or rebuke, pray to be able to listen.  If you are giving the correction or rebuke, pray to speak God's words and not your own and to do it His way.  May we come out being very thankful that our friends said those hard things to us and then continued to stand beside us through them.

v.7 - A sated man loathes honey, but to a famished man any bitter thing is sweet.

The person who has much doesn't "ooh" and "aah" over honey because they can have it anytime they want.  Honey isn't so sweet to them because they have had it so much.  The person who doesn't have so much is so thankful for what he does have that it seems to be more than what it is.  It isn't honey but it sure is sweet like honey.  If they ever had true honey, it would probably blow their mind!

 The proverb is speaking to us about our excess.  Excess can make us ungrateful for what we have.  Excess can make us never satisfied with what has been provided.  The sated man in the proverb should probably be giving some of his honey to the famished man who is eating bitter things.  If he would use the excess that he has for those in need, then he would put himself in the place to continue to be thankful to see God's provision rather than take it for granted.  

Of course the proverb goes beyond the scope of food.  I think of Jesus' encounter with Simon the Pharisee and the women who broke into the party and anointed His feet.  Jesus asked Simon the question, "So which of them will love him more?"  Jesus goes on to say of the woman, "For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little."  

We can be sated with our ability to look good and therefore think that we don't need God's forgiveness or be continually grateful for it.  God's forgiveness is honey and may we never get to the point of loathing it or of hearing what He did on the cross and empty tomb.  May we be famished to hear even just a portion of it again, even the bitter parts that taste sweet because we realize again what has been provided for us.

v.8 - Like a bird that wanders from her nest, so is a man who wanders from his home.

Home for the Christian is walking with Christ.  We need to stay close to home.  We need to keep coming back to the nest.  We need to not wander and get lost.  Many Christians today are wandering from the nest and from the home.  They are disregarding what has been provided by God and looking for something better.  They are longing for the kisses of the enemy instead of the truth in love rebukes from a true friend.  They are using the resources that God has given to pamper themselves rather than share them with others who are famished.  They are abandoning what God says and how God directs us to be to wander into Satan's domain of self satisfaction to think of nothing but self.  How far away from the nest and home are you?  Let us pray.

"Lord, it is hard to hear the truth but give us friends who will share it Your way with us.  Help us to not drop godly friends who truly love us for the kisses of the enemy.  Help us also to keep in perspective the sweetness of what You have given us.  May we not take it for granted but rather share it with others.  May the overflow that we feel from Your salvation pour out of us to those famished to hear it.  Lord may we see the nest and home You have built for us and long to be ever with You.  As David said in the Psalm 23, 'And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.'  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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