Proverbs 25:25-28 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 25:25-28, which read,

v.25, 26 - Like cold water to a weary soul, so is good news from a distant land.  Like a trampled spring and a polluted well is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.

We start off today with some opposites.  The first is one of refreshment in the positive and the second is one of contamination in the negative.  We just heard of a mission report of those hearing about Jesus in a distant land and it was like drinking a cold glass of water on a very dry day.  It was great to hear in our world that rejects God so much that there were people who were turning to Him.  We get weary of our world and its walking away from the loving commandments that God has given us.  We see its effects on them, us and especially when it hits the very innocent of society like those in the womb.  It is such refreshment when someone going on the wide road that leads to destruction sees and submits to the Lord's narrow gate that leads to everlasting life with Him.  We may get to see the transformation that happens in their life and a complete turnaround for their family.  They may have children and those children get the opportunity to live in a home that gives focus to God rather than accepting whatever is popular at the time as a god.

The disappointment is when someone who knows God takes a step in the way of the wicked.  They usually separate themselves from the accountability of the wise before you see them trampling mud in the clean spring water or pouring poison in the drinking well.  We are always being a witness of something or someone to those around us.  Are we mudding up the water with our actions and words that dishonor God or are we being a cold glass of water on a hot day to refresh others with the joy in following and serving Jesus?

v.27, 28 - It is not good to eat much honey, nor is it glory to search out one's own glory.  Like a city that is broken into and without walls is a man who has no control over his spirit.

This should be interesting for we have another verse on honey.  The last one produced so many hits on the blog because I think people were searching about the benefits of honey.  We will see if this entry does the same.

Honey again is given in the excess.  This time it is compared to patting ourselves on the back too much.  We are elevating ourselves and who we are and what we can do.  Have you met someone like that?  They need to tell you their qualities and maybe even how good a person they are.  They are in self-promotion mode so that you will think well of them because you should because they are so great!  If you eat too much honey it can make you vomit and sometimes you want to vomit when you are around someone who talks about only one person and that is him or herself.  The love of self has elevated itself in our culture and crept into the church to topple the love of God off of the mountain.  We say, "Well how can I love God if I don't first love myself."  But God always puts love of Himself first so that we know how to love others and ourselves with His type of love.  

The chapter ends with another word picture dealing with a city that is unprotected.  Cities had walls that regulated who and what came in and out.  They provided security for those inside.  Take away the walls and the inhabitants are vulnerable.  Solomon ties this with the person who does not have control over his spirit.  The person's spirit does not have boundaries for protection.  We did a series recently in the church called "Guardrails" that was all about those pieces of steel placed in strategic positions to keep us from life threatening harm.  We need guardrails in our spiritual life, walls per se, to keep us from spiritual threatening harm.  Those walls are found in the pages of God's word, the Bible.  The "do nots" of God are lovingly given to us to protect us and keep out of our lives what can harm us.  

Do you have spiritual walls around your life?  Are you making sure to maintain those walls that keep you focused on God rather than eating the honey of yourself?  Are you bringing water that is helpful for others to drink rather than living a life that muddies up what is right and wrong and disobedience in submission to God?  Look over your walls like Nehemiah did and make a plan to rebuild anything spiritually that has been torn down.  Let us pray.

"Lord, may our water be clear and refreshing today to ourselves and others.  May what we present be good to the soul because it comes from You and following after You.  May we avail ourselves to the materials You have given us to make walls that protect us spiritually and give witness of You to those around us.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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