Proverbs 27:13-16 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 27:13-16, which read,

v.13 - Take his garment when he becomes surety for a stranger, and for an adulterous woman hold him in pledge.

So someone comes to you for a loan but you have found out that they have been loaning money to strangers.  They are dealing with their resources in a haphazardly way and then come to you to bail them out.  A garment was given as collateral for repayment.  Solomon says in this situation to make sure you get that garment because that might be all that you get out of this deal.  The fool might also be lending money to those who adulterous to God.  They are foreigners of the faith and therefore unequally yoked and the fool is making deals with them.  Now he is without and comes to you and Solomon says to keep the fire to him to repay.

A person who is acting foolishly needs to have tough love to get them to see the error of their ways.  Keep them to the rules and guidelines of the Scriptures.  Don't be soft on them when it comes to obeying what God says if they are coming to you who are following after God because you are following after God.  Make sure to get that garment and hold them to the pledge to help them beyond the immediate need that they have.  The simple interpretation is, "Don't go easy on them."

v.14 -  He who blesses his friend with a loud voice early in the morning, it will be reckoned a curse to him.

Flattery is to be a sign of warning to those who are wise.  If you have someone who is singing your praises loudly in the morning and all the day through, watch out because it could turn very quickly.  The constant butter up of you could be a set up to make you into some toast in the near future.  Sorry for all the puns there.

We need to encourage each other but let it be with genuine affirmations and at the appropriate times and at the right volume.  Let those words be filled with God's truth in love so that the agenda is always on His glory and the well-being of the other.  Again, beware of those who agree loudly with you all the time and when it is not necessary.  Don't be sucked into their flattery that could turn quickly to flattened you.

v.15, 16 - A constant dripping on a day of steady rain and a contentious woman are alike; he who would restrain her restrains the wind, and grasps oil with his right hand.

It has been raining and it has been raining all day.  You say, "When is this ever going to stop?"  You keep looking out the window with a list of "to dos" and the moisture holds off all your well laid plans.  You might even try to do some of those dry weather day activities in the rain but it just doesn't work.  You might be farther behind that when you started because the rain has created more problems to deal with.  You are trying to control something that you can not control, the ever changing weather.  As many have said, "Just wait 5 minutes and it will be snowing!"  

To be contentious is to bring upon others strife.  It has the element of authority used in an ungodly way.  The loudest voice wins and the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  We respond to that loud voice and squeaky wheel hoping to control or silence it but it doesn't work.  The voice just keeps getting louder about something else and finds something else to squeak about.  If you think that you can solve their dripping problem and they won't drip anymore then you are kidding yourself.  You are trying to restrain the wind and grasp oil.  One is very powerful and the other is very slippery.  Both those are good descriptions of a contentious person.  

Solomon tells us today to not go easy on foolish people practicing unwise alliances.  He also tells us to watch out for flattery that just keeps coming for anything that we do or say.  It will have a bite in the end.  Lastly, be real about what we can control and not control.  Those bent on bringing up strife will continue to do so even if you think you have solved their problem.  They will blow again from another way and seep out a new crack to cause havoc again.  Let us pray.

"Lord, we need Your help in dealing with those who are not following after Your ways.  Help us to have discernment to handle them so we don't get taken, taken in, and taken for.  Thank You for real life situations to relate to within the pages of Your Word, the Bible.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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