Some "in between" thoughts...

Today's devotional is an in between chapter lesson about 3 things:  our "Methods to the Majors," a quote from a recent blog post I read, and a handy prayer tool.

A couple quotes from the State of the Union to make mention again are,

"We desire to create a church culture that reflects Biblical norms so we go to Scripture for instruction."

and another is,

"May the pews of Union be fuller because the gospel is being proclaimed and heard and responded to."

It is an increasing challenge to keep the church established in the life of its attenders in a world that is all about being part of everything all at the same time.  Our goal is to follow Scriptural majors with some methods to help us make sure that we are offering as a church what allows our attenders to be obedient and receive the blessings from God because we are following after Him.

At the present time, the main road into Oglesby Union Church is Sunday morning.  It is a well traveled road and it needs some upkeep.  There are some potholes to fill and some places where the road needs to be resurfaced.  Some dips in the road need to be reinforced with better foundational material.  The Bible instruction given during this time of Sunday School and Morning Worship is very important to the life of the church.  Our overseers will be looking at what road repairs need to be done for anything happening during that time.

In the area of spiritual fellowship, we are praying that another road into OUC would be our developing Shepherding Suppers.  Dates are starting to be planned for September and October.  These will be times to invite those who God has been putting into your path to a smaller gathering of the brothers and sisters in Christ.

The term "concert of prayer" goes all the way back to the early 1700's.  The calling of God's people together specifically to pray for the proclamation of the Gospel is Biblical and so necessary in our world where Satan's voice is so loud.  These once a month, weeknight offerings will be filled with song, Scripture, and directed supplications to keep our hearts calling out to God for our town, our country, and our world.  

Our overseers and team leads are so important to the life of the ministries of this church.  We are praying for these 5 events over the course of the church year to encourage and enrich those who have these leadership positions to guide us.  We will look at our own areas but also to see how it all works within the life of the church.  We will also be praying that this group grows because new ministries are being developed at OUC!

Onto that quote from a blog post titled, "You Don't Really Know Who Your Friends Are Until..."

"You don't really know who your friends are until their relationship with you becomes a liability instead of a benefit.  We don't really know who Jesus' friends are until a relationship with Him becomes a liability instead of a benefit.  We know that Jesus is proud to be the friend of sinners, and in the days to come, we will discover which sinners are truly proud to be friends with Him."

Tim Challies, in this blog, points out that it used to be beneficial to almost anyone to be associated with Christ and the church.  This relationship then became neutral.  Now, the relationship has become more and more a liability with almost instant condemnation to holding to Biblical standards.  You can read the rest of the blog at this link:  

Lastly, here is a great prayer tool that I came across in a class that I am taking with some other pastors in Ottawa.  It is called a prayer wheel and I think I can describe it to you to draw on your own.  Draw a large circle on your piece of paper and then divide it into 6 sections.  You should have something that looks like a pie cut into 6 pieces looking down from above.

In each section put one of these words, "friends," "neighbors," "family," "daily life," "recreation," and "colleagues."  Now go around the circle and put the name of someone in that group that you feel compelled to be praying for their salvation.

Who is that friend?  Who is that neighbor?  Who is that family member?  Who is that co-worker?  Who is that person in that hobby group?  Who is the person who crosses your path in daily life?  Maybe you won't have a name for every pie piece but use this to start praying for those who need to know about the sweetness of Jesus.

I hope all this has been a help this morning.  Let's be people of the Book and also people of our saving Christ who is opening up hearts, eyes, and minds to Himself as Luke would say.  Let us pray.

"Lord thank You for putting us in these local families of God.  As I heard yesterday the testimony of a sister in Christ about how her local church family made all the difference in the world when her world was crashing down.  We ask for Your direction and discernment as we make plans to put into place that reflect Biblical norms.  Lastly Lord, may we renew our minds this morning which will set our hearts and eyes on what You love and what You see so we can react with Your love.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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