Proverbs 24:30-34 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 24:30-34, which read,

I passed by the field of the sluggard and by the vineyard of the man lacking sense, and behold, it was completely overgrown with thistles; its surface was covered with nettles, and its stone wall was broken down.  When I saw, I reflected upon it; I looked, and received instruction. "A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest," then your poverty will come as a robber and your want like an armed man.

We come to the end of this section of Proverbs that started in chapter 22.  We end these proverbs with the subject of being lazy.  As I was reading this I wondered if the writer had wandered by my garden lately that is away from our property.  Those weeds can take over in no time and soon you are hunting for the actual plants that you care about.  Attention, attention, attention is needed in that precious plot of ground.  A little effort at the start can be swallowed up by being a sluggard to the upkeep.  

Of course this is another word picture to something bigger than an overgrown garden.  The garden in that time that wasn't taken care of could have been detrimental to the rest of the family.  Instead of pulling food from a tended garden, the family could have been on the street begging for food from strangers, friends, and family.  Those activities could have been avoided by taking care of what was started.  It could also be setting an example to those younger generations who were watching the actions or lack of action from their peers.  A lifestyle would be forming that usually goes to following suit rather than going against the flow.

When we look at this proverb spiritually we see how our inattentiveness to God can look like that garden full of weeds.  We sleep and slumber and fold our hands instead of using them and our walk with the Lord slides to a halt.  We allow Satan's weeds to come into our lives and they take up the space that God used to have.  Just as weeds grow so fast, so does Satan's schemes to keep us from tending to our spiritual lives.  "You can do that later."  "This one time won't hurt."  "Everybody else is doing it and having fun, why not you?"  "If it feels so good how can it be wrong?"  And Satan goes on and on to keep you from the spiritual disciplines that result in spiritual food not only for you but those God has put around you.

What weeds do you need to pull up today?  What repairs are needed on the walls around the garden that have allowed predators in easily?  What excuses have you been succumbing to that have put your spiritual life off for another day?  Make it a point to get back out in the garden today.  Open up His word; kneel in prayer; sing a song of Him; gather up with other believing gardeners this Sunday to garden together; and speak of Him to another today.  What do people see when they look at your life as a garden spiritually?  You can do something about it but it won't happen if you keep sleeping and slumbering and folding of your hands.  Let us prayer.

"Lord, help us to keep attentive to You.  Help us to see the importance of it to bear the fruit needed for ourselves and those around us.  May we meet You in the garden today and experience the joy again of being with You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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