Proverbs 23:9-12 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 23:9-12, which read,

v.9 - Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words.

We start this morning with another proverb that we have probably seen in real life.  We have someone before us who is critical or dismissing everything of common sense and wisdom that we are saying.  They actually take what is being said and twist or turn it or maybe speak it to others but not in its complete form.  What is shared by the fool has to be cleaned up by us after it has done some damage along the way.  Maybe another way to say this proverb is, "When you make conversation with a fool, watch very closely what you say." 

A danger point in our world is the posts that we put on Facebook.  Many view these words and what is written can be taken out of context so fast or communicated with a bent that you can't defend immediately.  Even the face to face conversation needs to be guarded with wisdom of what we share of wisdom.  Wisdom can be used as a weapon in the hands of a fool.

v.10-12 - Do not move the ancient boundary or go into the fields of the fatherless, for their Redeemer is strong; He will plead their case against you.  Apply your heart to discipline and your ears to words of knowledge.

Do not take advantage of others by thinking your can move the boundary stake and no one will notice.  Do not go into the field of the fatherless and take what is not yours because they have no father to watch over what is going on.  The proverb says that "the" Father is watching over those who are in need.  The Redeemer will swoop in and provide not only what they need but defend them if needed with strength.  They may look like they are alone and vulnerable but the God of the universe is right over their shoulder.  In light of this fact, discipline your heart and clean out your ears to the knowledge that we are not to take advantage of others without consequences to those actions.

Can we take advantage of others spiritually?  Can we move the ancient boundary stakes that are given to us in the word of God and lead people astray to the truth?  Can we take advantage of people spiritually by requiring more of them before they understand all the Father has to say?  It seems the actions here are all about taking instead of giving to those in need.  Yes, the Father, the Redeemer, will come in and defend strongly but we have the opportunity given by Him to move the stakes in their favor and to give them food from our fields.  We can see those in need as God sees them and act on His behalf.  

So physically or spiritually how do you see those around you?  What are you doing with the ancient boundaries that are there for our benefit?  Are you keeping them firm in the ground where God has put them?  Are you going into their fields to help yourself or to help them with their harvest?  Are you not only physically generous but also spiritually generous?  What a opportunity has been given to the wise as their hearts and ears are tuned in to discipline and the words of knowledge that punish the fool but give us, the wise, an opportunity to point to the Redeemer.  Let us pray.

"Lord, help us with our words and communication between ourselves and the world.  May we realize that there are those who will take our words and Your words and use and abuse them for destruction.  Also Lord, help us to see our neighbors in physical and spiritual need.  May we be used to provide in both situations.  In doing so, we are following Your example as the Redeemer who provides for those in need.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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