Proverbs 22:22-25 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 22:22-25, which read,

v.22, 23 - Do not rob the poor because he is poor, or crush the afflicted at the gate; for the LORD will plead their case and take the life of those who rob them.

The poor would position themselves at the gates of the city because many would pass by there to enter to visit or engage in commerce.  Those entering might have currency because they are coming in to purchase something and those exiting might have currency because they brought in their wares to sell and were leaving with the profits.  It would be a perfect place also because it funnels the people into one place for everyone has to come through one of the gates.

Also at the gates were the wise who settled matters of justice.  They were the guardians of the gates to make sure that no one entered that wasn't suppose to or could be harmful to those who reside within.  So where the poor where, justice was also present.  This proverb also adds that God is there.  

If someone was to take advantage of those who were already at a disadvantage and was caught doing so they would come before the elders at the gate.  Maybe the picture is a blind beggar with some type of container to receive coins and another comes up and doesn't contribute but puts his hand down and snatches up coins from the cup.  The proverb says that the Lord will plead their case.  God will step in and provide the justice needed.  It won't just be the authorities taking care of this crime but God will have a hand in what happens to the poor and to the criminal and the punishment is severe.  God cares about the poor.

A cross reference of this proverb is Proverbs 14:31 which says, "He who oppresses the poor taunts his Maker, but he who is gracious to the needs honors Him."  The poor mentioned here are those who are lazy or a sluggard but those who are truly in need.  The main question would be for us is, "How do we treat those who are truly poor?"  Heaven forbid that we dip our hand into their jar to take away what God has provided for them.

v.24, 25 - Do not associate with a man given to anger; or go with a hot-tempered man, or you will learn his ways and find a snare for yourself.

I think this proverb would also work for any wrong action that has become the norm for a person.  Anger is mentioned here but it could be any action that is defined as sin that you would allow to cloud your thinking and effect your actions.  This man is given to anger.  He allows anger to be the solution to his problems.  He relies on his loud voice and uncontrolled actions to make others back down and allow him to have his way.  Your observance of this is more than just seeing it in action but your mind is storing this away for a possible future event and out of nowhere comes these same actions out of you.  It is not out of nowhere but rather because you and I have not followed this proverb.  We find ourselves in a snare because we have set the snare ourselves by not protecting ourselves from sin.

To not associate is to not "pasture, tend, graze, or feed."  It has the emphasis of not being in a formal partnership or deep close ties with someone who is acting this way.  A proverb cross reference for this proverb is Proverbs 12:26 which reads, "The righteous is a guide to his neighbor, but the way of the wicked leads them astray."  We need to be mindful of the company that we keep.  Sinful actions have effects and one is to draw others in to participate in those same actions.  It is the old question to be asked, "Who is influencing who here?"  If it is leading to more sin then the proverb says to back away for you are too close.  Let us pray.

"Lord we have started these 77 proverbs that Solomon learned along with many others.  Help us to put arms and legs to these wise sayings so they are more than just words.  Help us to see the application.  May we see those who are poor as someone to help and not hinder.  May we see sin and protect ourselves from it by not coming alongside of it.  Lord, we need Your discernment and therefore we need to be close to You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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