Proverbs 23:26-28 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 23:26-28, which read,

Give me your heart, my son, and let your eyes delight in my ways.  For a harlot is a deep pit and an adulterous woman is a narrow well.  Surely she lurks as a robber, and increases the faithless among men.

Solomon introduces us to some more proverbs that deal with sexual sins.  To stay away from sexual sins is to give your heart to God's wisdom and to let your eyes delight in God's righteous living.  When our heart and eyes are away from God's wisdom then we are not prepared to flee like Joseph did from Potiphar's wife in the book of Genesis.  

The deep pit and the narrow well are both pictures of being in a place where you are stuck and it doesn't look like you are going to get out.  You may be calling out for help but your voice isn't heard unless someone happens to come by that way.  You have probably seen those stories about people or animals being rescued from a well or cave in that bring cheers from those who are struggling night and day to get them out of there.  

Why are you there?  Because sexual sin was committed and it came upon you like a robber and did something to your faith.  It has robbed you of glorifying God with following His plan for the one holy sexual relationship and it has shown you how much faith you actually have in Him.  

Satan wants you in that deep pit and in the narrow well but God will send rescuers who will work night and day to help you get out.  They will rejoice wildly when you turn your heart and eyes back on God and away from those evil ways.  They will give you the nourishment that you need since you have been in the deep pit and narrow well.  Will you call out to them?  Will you let others know that you need help?  Will you start to get out of the pit and well by turning your heart and eyes upward instead of downward?

You may be in a sexual sin situation where you think there is no escape from the deep pit and narrow well but there is.  God is the expert and retrieving "stuck in sin" people.  He has an army of first responders called the church who are ready to use whatever they have to help you put your heart and eyes back on Him.  The deep pit and narrow well is dark and cold and damp.  Come back to the sunshine of following after God's words and ways.  Let us pray.

"Lord, we need to hear these proverbs about sexual sins because they are so prevalent in our culture today.  Help us to call out for help when we need it and help us to be ready to aid those who are calling out.  The goal is to be rescued by setting our hearts and eyes on You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam 


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