Proverbs 12:9-12 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 12:9-12, which read,

v.9 - Better is he who is lightly esteemed and has a servant than he who honors himself and lacks bread.

This is the start of 15 "better - than" proverbs in the remaining chapters.  It is better if someone is quietly living a life honoring onto God, righteous in character, and following the footsteps of Christ with a focus not on self but God and others.  This person is not heavily esteemed because of focus on self or promoting self but they are recognized lightly because of the outcomes of a righteous life.  This person has the benefit of living that type of life as signified here as having a servant or the sign of some earthly progress.  It is better than the one who boasts in himself and follows the ways of the wicked and foolish and ends up without even the basics of life, the bread.

v.10 - A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal, but even the compassion of the wicked is cruel.

The better has a compassion in their life that goes beyond God and others to even the animals that God has provided for him.  He cares for what God has given him.  It literally means that he has concern for the condition of his beast so he protects it by putting in place the care needed.  The lesser has a compassion in their life that doesn't go past themselves.  They have no concern for God or others or even their own animals.  

v.11 - He who tills his land will have plenty of bread, but he who pursues worthless things lacks sense.

The better has a respect of the land that God has provided him.  He cares for the soil and what it produces therefore he is tending and working in the garden and it yields the benefit of bread or the necessities of life.  The lesser neglects the garden to pursue things that have no benefit to life and ends up with a good crop of weeds and nothing to eat.

v.12 - The wicked man desires the booty of evil men, but the root of the righteous yields fruit.

The lesser will look for the quick buck or scheme to obtain much by ungodly ways.  He will always be looking at what others have instead of what God has provided him to work with and therefore envy much at the sacrifice of what is right.  The better will see fruit because of following after God's words and ways.  His life is rooted in righteousness and seeing the God who has provided him a way of life, animals to tend to, and a garden to work in.

Do you see what God has provided for you?  Do you see the opportunities that you have to live your life in honor of Him, promoting Him rather than yourself?  Do you see the tools He has provided for you to use and are you taking care of them?  Do you see the area around you that He has placed you in, your garden, that needs your attention with godly care to see a harvest?  Or do you take up your time honoring yourself, disregarding your resources, and neglecting opportunities that are around you for some quick fix that is suppose to give you fame and riches?  

The better has a servant, a healthy animal, a producing garden, and fruit for the eating.  The lesser doesn't have the staples of life; he has cruel compassion for what he has; he lacks sense to pursue what is worthless; and he desires what is evil.  Again, no comparison when they are side by side.  

God has given us a life to live on purpose for Him signified by lightly esteemed.  God has given us tools and skills to work with signified by animals.  God has given us an area of influence to work His way signified by the garden.  Let's pray.

"Lord, may we be the better rather than the lesser because we follow after You.  We are reaping because of Your better-ness.  You provide so much for us and we need to be tending to it to see what following after You and Your ways yields in our lives.  Help us to keep our eyes on You rather than ourselves and the something for nothing schemes of the devil.  Amen."

Pastor Adam 


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