Proverbs 12:21-24 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 12:21-24, which read,

v.21 - No harm befalls the righteous, but the wicked are filled with trouble.

It is not that the righteous do not feel the effects of harm but it does not come from within them as they live righteous lives and it does not come upon them as they follow the footsteps of Christ.  The wicked are producing harm by their actions and words and they are putting themselves in the path of calamity. 

The rain falls on the righteous and the unrighteous but they are standing on different ground when the it hits them.  The righteous are standing on the ground that is solid because they are following after Christ.  The unrighteous are standing on ground that is shifting sand because they are following themselves and really after the schemes of Satan.  

v.22 - Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD, but those who deal faithfully are His delight.

We can't get to far from talking about our mouths and lips and tongues and what they are saying.  God puts lying on all the bad lists.  He detested the using of words to deceive others.  He is the Word that is to bring life and salvation but other words are used by His creations to draw others away from Him rather than to Him.

It is interesting that the fool is just talking in the proverb but the wise is doing, he is dealing faithfully.  The wise has words that are backed up by actions that are following after the words of God.  When God sees His children acting out His Scripture it brings Him delight and we are here to glorify God.  How do we love the One who gave us life and eternal life?  We obey His commandment to love others with our words and deeds.

v.23 - A prudent man conceals knowledge, but the heart of fools proclaims folly.

To be prudent is to be sensible and to use knowledge with what is said and how it is said to the benefit of others.  It is thinking about others for the good of others before something is said.  Therefore, the prudent hold information that might be to elevate themselves for the purpose of keeping the focus on God and His righteousness.  They are very opposite from the fool who is blabbing about his accomplishments and how great he is to everyone.  The fool also tells you about how sinful he has been not in a way to be ashamed or repentant but to boast and brag about what he thinks he has gotten away with.  Others will chime in and pat him on the back like he has really accomplished something by not following after God.  

The prudent man is humble with His words, capital "H," and the fool is proud with his words, little "h," is the proverb in a nutshell.  

v.24 - The hand of the diligent will rule, but the slack hand will be put to forced labor.

It is the opposite of what you think.  You think if you are lazy that you will have less to do but actually you will have more to do and it will be not what you want to do.  You will want to rule but that is reserved for those who work now.  You desire the positions of authority but you are trying to receive it by some other means that being diligent.  God is saying it doesn't work that way in His kingdom.

The diligent, the sharp, the determined, the decisive will rule or have dominion in God's kingdom.  The slack hand, the laxness, the slothful will be put to forced labor or wasted on tasks of non importance in regards to God.  I think we could look at this proverb in light of eternity.  The diligent will rule with God as His children but the slack will be put to the forced labor of hell for eternity in absence from God.  

How diligent are you to follow after God?  Are your words and your actions following after Him?  Are you thinking of Him and others before you speak and act?  Are you serving instead of waiting to be served?  Are you concerned about what God says and allowing that to determine your actions?  Don't create trouble.  Make your words be an outcome of your faithful actions.  Boast of God and His goodness and not of yourself.  Work now for God and set aside a lazy spiritual life. These are proverbs for life given by the Giver of life.  Let's pray.

"Lord, You give us the outcomes ahead of time for those who follow after You and those who don't.  You make it clear what will come of us.  You also give Your response and may we want and strive to bring You delight rather suffer the consequences of pleasing ourselves for much inferior results.  May our day be so much more about You than it is about us.  Amen."

Pastor Adam 


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