Proverbs 11:12-15 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 11:12-15, which read,

v.12, 13 - He who despises his neighbor lacks sense, but a man of understanding keeps silent.  He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy conceals a matter.

To despise literally means to gossip, slander, or destroy with words, so he who gossips or slanders or destroys with words his neighbor lacks sense or an understanding in the inner man.  The man of understanding which is new word picture of the wise or the one who walks in righteousness keeps silent or from cutting in.  This means that the man of understanding listens to his neighbor, allowing him or her to talk and taking in that kind of listening we have talked about before that goes beyond just waiting for your turn to speak.  The fool is dispensing and what he or she is dispensing is damaging to the neighbor while the wise is taking in and what he or she is taking in is building that relationship with the neighbor instead of tearing it down. 

A talebearer is one who is known for spreading slander or gossip and he or she is revealing to others in a public setting, among the council or assembly, these juicy did-bits.  They are on a mission to elevate themselves by talking down about others in the midst of others.  A sober reminder is that if you are in the presence of one of these talebearers and taking in what they are saying about another then you know that they don't have much respect for others and you are an "other" that could also receive the treatment you are experiencing from them.  

Don't be a talebearer, known for spreading slander or gossip but be trustworthy, supportive, confirming, and faithful who conceals a matter.  To conceal a matter is to not speak of it publicly because you are using the discretion of wisdom.  There might be a time for a wise person to speak up about someone but it will be done to not take that someone down a full notches but to protect the flock and also reach out to the one who is fallen out of step with the Lord.  The trustworthy person will follow Scriptural principles to resolve matters found in Matthew 18 and other places that focus on restoration rather than talebearer's focus on elevation of self by the tearing down of another publicly.

What are you known for?  Are you known for being a talebearer with your words or being trustworthy?  Your conversations with others, do you do all the talking or are you listening to your neighbor?  Remember, too many words coming out of our mouths gets us in trouble and we are never beyond listening to others for counsel as we see in the next verse.

v.14 - Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.

Guidance is also translated wise counsel, good advice, direction or vision.  Where this is an absence of this then the people fall, be cast down, fail, or perish.  We need to have a part of our lives that council that speaks to us of the counsel of God, the wisdom of God, the vision of God, the commands of God, and the commission of God.  When we disregard His words than we are setting ourselves up to fall.

This counsel comes from having an abundance of counselors, more than one guiding us to follow after God.  We have assembled around us a group of godly friends who are speaking to us of victory which is God's deliverance and salvation.  God's deliverance and salvation is experienced as we follow after His footsteps of wisdom.  God gives us an abundance of counselors who are also walking that path.  Are you seeking them out?  We tend at times to listen to just one person, this one has all the answers or this one already agrees with us but we need to be looking for that one and better yet ones to not agree when we are not walking in the steps of the Savior.  We are looking for the ones who will counsel us in the ways of deliverance and salvation rather than the ways of failure and perishing.  

How many godly counselors do you have?  Are those godly counselors directing you to Scripture and saying the same thing because it is in line with Scripture?  This practice will lead to victory for the one who is wise.  The fool will discard godly counsel altogether or will be looking for that one who agrees with him or herself on going against God's counsel.

v.15 - He who is guarantor for a stranger will surely suffer for it, but he who hates being a guarantor is secure. 

Solomon flops back into a financial term.  The guarantor is someone who co-signs for a loan.  The one who co-signs for a loan of a stranger, someone they don't really know, will suffer for it.  The second use of the word guarantor is another Hebrew word that means to give a blow to someone to harm them.  The one who hates to do this type of action of shaking hands on a deal that could bring harm is secure or to be trusted.  The one who turns you down with your idea because they don't know you well enough is the one who you should trust because they don't know yet if you are one to be trusted.

"Just trust me on this" and they don't go for it because trust is the key element they haven't experienced yet.  Scripture tells us that that person is one who we should be following because they are following God's counsel.  If a godly person will not go along with your plan because they don't know you well enough to experience your trustworthiness then don't brush them off as not knowing what is good for them but rather realize that this is someone with discernment that you need to get closer to.  If they are not so quick to agree with you then you have found someone who refers to others before acting upon something.  

"But the deal is right now and if you don't get in on the ground level and take advantage of this you will be missing out" but I don't know you and I will seek out others who do and go before my God before I will shake hands on something with someone I don't know.  I will shake hands with those I do know who build up their neighbors and have been proven as trustworthy and doing what I am doing by assembling and listening to a group of godly counselors.  This proverb would have probably saved us from a lot of dumb decisions that ended up in one of our many garage sales with the sign, "used twice."  Let's pray.

"Lord, counsel is so important from a godly council.  Counsel that comes from a council that builds others up and guards them with their tongues helps us to experience victory and keeps us from shaking hands with strangers to connect us to deals that we should have never gotten into.  Help us to seek out those who truly follow after You and gravity to those who sometimes tells us no because You say no.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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