1 Timothy 3:2, 3 says,...

Today's verses are 1 Timothy 3:2, 3, which read, 

An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money.

Paul gives Timothy a long list of what these men are to be like who are going to fill the official position of overseer who over see the spiritual health of the church.  We will only cover part of the list today and then look at some more tomorrow.  This list is a kind of "fruit of the Spirit" list with some more practical definition to the terms given in that list.  Let's walk through them one by one. 

  • An overseer, then, must be... - The key words here are "must be."  There is no loophole here on these qualities for the position of church leadership.  They are already overseers before they are given the official title of overseer because they display these things. 
  • ...above reproach,... - This is a general term that the rest of the list will describe what above reproach looks like.  It is a legal term to mean that nothing is held against the person.  In a sense, Pilate saw that Jesus was "above reproach" and attempted to free Him because there was nothing to convict Him.  The overseer is not perfect but they follow God's instructions and ways in dealing with matters of their own lives. 
  • ...the husband of one wife,... - A "one-woman man" deals with the man's moral and sexual purity.  The overseer upholds in word and deed the Scriptural principles that deal with marriage and God's creation of it and definition of it even if he is not married.  "A man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh" is his practice and also his counsel to others.   
  • ...temperate,... - This term describes someone who is clear headed and not one who talks nonsense. 
  • ...prudent,... - This term describes someone who has priorities in life and follows through with them. 
  • ...respectable,... - This term describes someone who lives an orderly life.  They have self-control to not let their lives get over obsessed by things that are not prudent. 
  • ...hospitable,... - This term describes someone who has a "love of strangers."  They open up their lives and homes to know those people first who others of the house of God don't know yet. 
  • ...able to teach,... - This signifies that within the official position an overseer is the instruction to instruct others.  The overseer will be called upon to teach others and therefore must be able to communicate to others the truths of God. 
  • ...not addicted to wine... - This term describes someone who doesn't let outside influences cloud his judgment.  Alcohol is used in many ways to "escape" the situation but the overseer is not there to "escape" it but rather be used by God through it. 
  • ...or pugnacious,... -  It literally means "not a giver of blows."  So the overseer doesn't solve situations by drinking himself to forget about it or by bullying his way through it.  He doesn't solve the problem with his fists. 
  • ... but gentle,... - Now we are to the positive side of how to solve the situation.  The overseer never forgets that the person in front of him is a creation of God just like he is.  He offers grace just like grace was offered to him from Jesus. 
  • ...peaceable,... - The overseer is looking for God's resolution to the situation.  He is concerned with the right type of unity within the body of Christ that brings true peace.   
  • ...free from the love of money. - Another way to solve problems is to go with the money.  People will offer money to solve a situation that usually has unholy strings attached.  The overseer does not fall for Satan's trap to love something more than the Someone who has given us all we need.  His vision is not clouded by how much money someone has.
And the list goes on.  So far we have a man who has an inward desire that is being manifested outwardly to lead others of the body of Christ.  This man has an overall life that shows these qualities prior to being put in this official position.  They are ones who will have to solve situations that arise within the body of Christ.  How will they solve them?  They will draw upon the Word of God to dictate their words and actions that will display the fruit of the Spirit as they walk through it.  They will not sweep the situation under the rug; they will not avoid the situation by drinking it away; they will not bully their way through the situation; and they will not be influenced by money to sway their decision to continue to follow God's direction.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, what a list is amassing for Timothy.  Where are these men?  You have placed them within the body of Christ and given us the list to know what spiritual leadership looks like.  It is not always the person who has been here the longest or who has the most physical resources or the loudest mouth or the greatest influence or popularity in the community.  Your qualifications are different than the world's and we need to follow Your eyes on this rather than our own.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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