1 Timothy 2:5-7 says,...

Today's verses are 1 Timothy 2:5-7, which read, 

v.5, 6 - For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, the testimony given at the proper time.

We are to be praying for all men including kings and those in authority for the salvation of their souls.  We are to be living tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and moral uprightness.  This life is acceptable in the sight of God.  We present to others the knowledge of the truth, i.e. salvation, through our words and actions.  What is the knowledge of the truth?

There is one God.  There is a time to realize this fact that all others are not God.  There is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.  Someone speaks for us before God and that one person able to do this is Jesus and He alone.  The Greek here is translated in order of words, "Christ Jesus, Himself a man."  Christ Jesus presented Himself voluntarily as a man to be the ransom for all.  He paid the price with His life for the forgiveness of sins once and for all on the cross.  He did this at the proper time.  This was God's will and God's plan set before the foundations of the world.  These statements are the knowledge of the truth that God desires all to know and believe, but all will not.

God opens up our eyes to see Him as the one and only true God.  We see Jesus Christ as our mediator on the cross paying the ransom for our sins.  It was the proper time for Him to do this act in history and also the proper time for us to realize this fact in our own lives.  God opens up others eyes to these facts in their proper time therefore pray for them and live lives holy onto God before them. 

v.7 - For this I was appointed a preacher and an apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying) as a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.

Paul is a preacher, a herald, someone to proclaim and speak publicly about these things.  Paul is an apostle, one sent out with this message and this is what Paul's life bears out.  He went out on missionary journeys all over the known world with this message of Christ proclaiming His death and resurrection. 

Paul's commission was to be a teacher of the Gentiles in the message of faith and truth, i.e. salvation.  If there was anyone or any group that the Jews would have not prayed for it was the Gentiles.  Before being converted, the Jewish person to be converted to Christianity, would have nothing to do with the Gentiles.  Now a converted Jewish person to Christianity was being called by God to pray for all men including the Gentiles who were ruling over them.  Paul gives his own life as an example that not only Jews need to know of the knowledge of truth but he was sent to herald and proclaim the message of salvation to those that they used to not pray for, the Gentiles.

Who are you praying for?  How wide scope are your prayers?  Are there some that you are purposely not praying for?  God is commanding us to pray for all and especially those who we may find it hard to pray for.  What are we praying for them?  We are praying for their salvation.  We are praying that they come to the knowledge of the truth that there is one God and one Mediator between God and man and His name is Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah who gave His life for the ransom, the payment for sins.  We are praying for their eyes to be opened up to these facts.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, I am sure that I have not been doing this enough.  I am sure that I have left names off of my list because I do not want to pray for them.  I am like Jonah not wanting to go to Nineveh because it is those people, evil and hurtful people.  Jonah ends up going and telling them about You and I need to continue to pray for people, all people, to know You.  Change my heart toward those that I need to pray salvation for and follow Your command to pray.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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