1 Timothy 2:9, 10 says,...

Today's verses are 1 Timothy 2:9, 10, which read,

Again, let's back up and recap our last lesson on this passage that is hard to interpret and has many views about how it should be taken practically.  I am looking at this passage through the grid of the different types of the law in the Old Testament, ceremonial, civil, and moral.

Ceremonial law is related to Israel's worship which was fulfilled by the coming of Jesus the Messiah but there are principles behind the ceremonial laws to apply in worshiping God.  Is this passage somewhat like ceremonial law which may have some principles to dig out and apply to our modern day but fulfilled already in Christ?

Civil law dictated Israel's daily living which is much different than today and other social systems.  Again, there are principles behind the commands that guide us in our conduct.  Is this passage somewhat like civil law which applied just to them but still has some underlining principles that govern our actions today?

Moral laws are the direct commands of God.  Moral laws are to be obeyed for all time and a good example are the 10 commandments.  Is this passage dealing with that which connects us directly to the nature and will of God and stands for all time for all Christians as presented?

I look at this passage in light of moral law because of the content and context in which it was written.  God gives an order to His world that He first created man and then woman.  This order was in creation; it was extended into the family unit; and then it was applied to the church.  God's plan, not man's plan, was to have this order and yesterday we dealt with the men leading in worship.  The men are to lead in the area of prayer and also confession of sins so that they can lift holy hands and not be those of wrath and dissension.  Now we go to the women in this body of believers who have gathered to worship God, a moral law to be done for all time among all Christians. 

Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness.

Paul does a comparison of two types of women in these verses.  One one hand is the woman who is trying to draw attention to herself by what she is wearing in the line of costly clothing or jewelry or maybe the type of clothing that is revealing more than what should be shown to the women who is trying to draw attention to God by serving her God through the good works given to her by God.

The context is that Paul is speaking to new Christians who have come out of a very pagan religious system that used women as objects of worship and the focus was on them in a sexual way.  Nothing new under the sun right?  Today we sell many things and get people's attention by flashing very expensive things before their eyes or revealing a little more than what should be seen. 

God's church family is to be different.  The focus is not to be on the creature but on the Creator.  It is not "come look at us, how successful we are or how beautiful our people are or even our building" but rather "come see our great God."  Coming out of their society of exploiting women in the area of worship and as an object of worship, very much like we do today, Paul gives these guidelines that deal with morals that are to be followed by the church.  I don't see these changing.  I don't see the church saying, "It is okay to draw attention to yourself in any means possible, that was then but this is now."  This was directed toward the woman of the day because that is where the focus was at the time but I believe today it is to be read by both sexes.  Men are just as  capable of drawing attention to themselves as women and especially in the house of God.  The moral law is related to  who is getting the attention, you or God?  Are there things in your life that you are doing or wearing that promotes you more than God?  Let's pray. 

"Lord, what a change these Christians had to make but I see those same changes to be made today by Christians in the culture that we live in that is full of self-worship.  Even in the church we can get off of the focus of You and put it on ourselves and our success.  Help us to adorn You today with our very lives.  Help us to be aware of how we present ourselves so that You are glorified.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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