Colossians 3:12-17 says...

Today's verses are Colossians 3:12-17, which read, 

v.12, 13 - So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another and forgiving one each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.

In our last study, Paul gave us some lists that dealt with the transition of our new life in Christ.  Some sinful things were to be put off so that some holy things could be put on.  Here is a list of those holy things.  The salvation that we have in Christ, by Christ, and for Christ is to be displayed by this new list for the new life.  We are saved and therefore "chosen by God" who has bestowed His love onto us and placed His holiness within us through His grace given through the cross of Christ.  Put on...
  • a heart of compassion - may our actions come from deep within us toward others
  • kindness - a goodness toward others
  • humility - an a front to self-love
  • gentleness - a willingness to suffer injury or insult than to inflict such hurts,
    ​i.e. stand firm and ​turn the other cheek
  • patience - longsuffering toward others
  • bearing with one another - taking up others burdens
  • forgiving each other - resolving issues between each other
Paul gives us that our example is the Lord who perfecting displayed this list and He did it for you and I and to you and I.  

v.14 - Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.

We have the two greatest commands that encompass the great 10 commandments.  We have this one action that we are to put on that encompasses this list and that action is love and it brings a type of unity that is not just superficial but long lasting and secure.  This type of unity is such because it is based not on us but Someone outside of us, the Lord Jesus Christ. 

v.15 - Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.

We are to put on the love of Christ and also the peace of Christ and that peace came to us through the cross of Christ.  We found true peace when we placed our hand in His outstretched hand toward us.  We are a part of His body, His church, His holy and beloved and therefore we are thankful for that union with Him and that union with the brothers and sisters in Christ around us.  Let that salvation of your soul rule your words and actions and all that you are. 

v.16 - Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

We are to put on the love of Christ and we are to put on the peace of Christ and now we are to put on the word of Christ.  How do I put this on?  I need to read and I need to listen and I need to study what has been given to me through God's holy words in the Bible.  May it "richly dwell" within us.  May we be so richly affected by it that it pours out of us to others in song.  We speak Scripture to others, psalms; we speak God's truths to others, hymns; and we speak of our relationship with God to others, spiritual songs.  These words and actions pour out of our time with God in His word. 

v.17 - Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.

I look back at this devotional and realize that I should have taken it a verse at a time.  It is so packed with things to consider and ponder over.  Paul sums it up here for the new Christians in Colossae to look at what they say and what they do and let it all be in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  It will come out in thanksgiving if it is focused on Him.  As we put on Christ by being like Him as our example and spending time with Him in His Word and sharing Him with others through songs of praise, the byproduct will be this thanksgiving to God for it to even be possible.

This list overwhelms the other list by far.  The list to put off does not compare to this list in the least.  What I am to receive for putting on Christ is so great that the putting off should come easily.  But there is another who wants you to keep on your old clothes.  There is another who wants you to hold onto your old ways.  There is another who wants you to think that the center of the universe is you and you need to protect yourself by holding onto all your stuff in your hands.  But that other didn't do and continue to do what God did for you through the cross of Christ.  That other watched it but he didn't do it.  You have the opportunity to live a life patterned after and in the glory of the One who gave all of His life for you for the glory of God.  My advice this morning that comes not from me but from His Word is to follow the One who "did" rather than the one who just "watched."  Let's pray. 

"Lord, may we bear the image of Christ through our words and actions that display what You have already shown to us.  May the church have the fruit given in this passage because we have put You on our new clothes after discarding and burning the old ones.  May what comes out of us be thankfulness because we have spent time with You on a regular basis to be able to be rich in You because we took the time to dwell with You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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