Colossians 3:1-4 says,...

Today's verses are Colossians 3:1-4, which read, 

v.1 - Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.

Paul has been praying and writing for these new Christians in Colossae.  He has been giving them instruction of the truths of Christ so they can combat the falseness of the false prophets with that knowledge. 

If we have been raised with Christ then we must have been dead.  We must have received new life.  We must have been born again to be raised.  We typically think of a physical resurrection of our bodies after we die when we will be raised with Christ and given new bodies for heaven.  Paul is speaking of a spiritual resurrection of our souls that has happened already.  We were dead and needing resurrection and God gave us a new life now to live for Him.

In this state we are to keep seeking things above.  Usually we slow down when we have received something because we have it in our hands and we don't have to strive for it anymore.  This is a demise of many marriages where the courtship was great but when the paper had been signed and the words of vows had been said the seeking after each other waned.  Just as we continue to seek after our spouses even though we have received their love to see that relationship continue to flourish, so we are to seek after Christ who we have yet to be in His presence who is seated, job completed, at the right hand of God. 

v.2 - Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.

We are to keep seeking and we are to be setting our minds on times ahead.  To set your mind is to actually think about heaven and our meeting with God and all those gathered there.  When was the last time you thought about heaven?  When was the last time you went to Scripture to specifically read about heaven?  Paul is instructing these new Christians that this is a discipline of the Christian to have a seeking life and a set mind on things above. 

v.3 - For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

Paul, the master of the long run on sentence has changed his ways and is giving us short sentences to think about here.  Where is your life right now?  This verse says it is "hidden with Christ in God."  Our lives are connected with God by His grace given through the cross of Christ.  Our lives are not fully released by the unbelieving world because of their lack of faith for we are marching to the beat of a different drummer that they can't hear.  Our lives are "with" and "in" giving us the assurance of the salvation given to us by God through Christ.  Our lives are with Him so lets seek after Him and set our minds on Him and where He is at. 

v.4 - When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.

Paul gives the new Christians instruction of the second coming of Christ.  Because our life is Christ, when He comes again, then our physical bodies will be raised anew to be with Him.  When I became a new Christian, I was given a new spiritual life that will be followed by a new physical life when Christ returns in His glory.  This is what we set our minds on and seek after and if we do, it will change our words and actions in relationship to that fact.  It will change our view of the things of this world that are perishing while our spiritual lives are growing.

I really like the phrase, "When Christ, who is our life."  Is He my life?  Is everything in my life about Him?  Is all surrendered to Him?  Is all of my life submitted under His authority?  My life is gone for a much better life that has a sole focus of Christ.  Seek after and set your mind on Him today.  Let's pray. 

"Lord, do I see You in my work?  Do I see You in my home?  Do I see You in my marriage?  Do I see You in my studies?  Do I see You in my relationships with family and friends?  Do I see You in my possessions?  Do I see You in my hobbies?  Do I see You not a part of my life but my whole life?  Actually all those things are not mine anymore.  Sunday, as a day, is different in the fact that many of those who are in Christ gather to raise their voices to You in praise but it is not different as a day in my reality of a new life in You and no matter what gathering I am apart of or if I am all alone.  May I seek after the things of You and may I set my mind on things above and a day when we will be face to face.  May that guide my thoughts, words, and actions today.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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