Ephesians 1:7-10 says,...

Today's verses are Ephesians 1:7-10, which read, 

v.7, 8a - In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on us.

In Christ, through His death and resurrection, we have been redeemed from what we truly deserve.  We have been rescued from hell.  Not only have we been rescued but the thing that condemned us, sin, has been forgiven.  We have been pardoned and we have had the debt cancelled of our doing.  We have went from "guilty as charged" to given the sentence from the Judge that Someone else has taken our place and we are free to go.  As we go in this forgiven state because of Another, our lives reflect the riches of God's grace that He has lavished on us.

We learned this weekend that our lives reflecting the forgiven state because of God's grace through the cross of Christ is our sanctification being lived out daily.  God's grace is great and what has been given to us is truly lavish when you look at where we were headed.  It took a God who acted before we did.  It took a God who loved us before we loved Him.  It took a God who put up His Son to pay the price before we came to the realization that we are "guilty as charged."  Our salvation is so much about God. 

v.8b-10 - In all wisdom and insight He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth.

This process involved God's wisdom, insight, kind intention, and purpose.  This process also involved "all" of God's wisdom and insight.  God's plan is well thought out and executed with precision with the completion as a fact.  God's plan through Christ will be completed. 

In the completion of all things in Christ is you and me if you are saved by the blood of the Lamb.  In the completion of all things in Christ is also the patience of God to see it run its course on His timetable.  God is administrating this plan with a compassionate hand and heart.  He is continuing to call out to others as He called out to us to understand and realize the mystery of His will for our lives. 

We now know that we were created by Him to serve Him with our whole lives.  It is not a mystery anymore why I am here.  I am to be a light of God, an ambassador of Christ, to the world and especially where God has planted me.  I am to tell others of this great God who would do such a thing as send His perfect Son for sinners such as you and I. 

It is great knowing who is "in charge."  Being a dad, many times you get this position by default and honestly sometimes I don't want to be in charge.  But on the good side of the position I have in my family, it is great to have a plan and see it to completion with every family member considered in the mix.  A family vacation taken in the summer of 2000 across the U.S. was a major feat.  It took years of planning and saving to make that 6600 mile trip in a minivan.  Where to stay and where to go was all planned out as best as possible and as I drove along, the rest of the family was along for the ride with anticipation of what we would see next.  The position I had took a lot of thought and time to see that trip happen and not that there weren't some bumps along the road but I did it because I loved my family.

God has planned a trip for you and me.  He is at the wheel and taking us along for the ride.  He will take us where we need to go.  He has thought this out and planned the whole event with you and me in mind.  Just be so glad that you are in the van and He has a perfect driving record. 

"God, You have done so much for us.  May we just be amazed everyday as we rise from a night of sleep that You have given us another day to ride in Your van and come upon what You have planned for us to see and experience.  We have the opportunity to tell others about the One who is driving the bus and driving the bus of our lives.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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