2 Corinthians 11:12-15 says,...

Today's verses are 2 Corinthians 11:12-15, which read, 

v.12 - But what I am doing I will continue to do, so that I may cut off opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the matter which they are boasting.

Paul came the Christians in Corinth with the backing of other churches in the region.  They financially and prayerfully supported his effort of sharing the gospel with them and he also added his own financial support by using his trade in the marketplace of mending and creating tents.  Spiritual teachers could command a fee for their teachings and Paul spoke of the church giving support to its spiritual leaders but Paul came to them first with the backing of himself and others very much like a missionary does today.

The false teachers have used this practice as a way to attack Paul as not a real teacher so Paul will continue this practice to keep distance between himself and them.  Now comes a full description of these false teachers from Paul. 

v.13-15 - For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.  No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.  Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds. 

One of the strategies of Satan is the use of deception.  He poses as an angel of light.  He appears to have an answer.  He looks good.  He sounds good.  His rational appeals to us but something is wrong.  He is not the light.  He wants to be a substitute for God and eventually the god of our lives.  The focus is himself.

Paul is saying that the false teachers are following their master's example of deception and not surprising that they should do so.  They look good and they sound good.  Their rational appeals to us but there is something wrong.  Their focus is themselves and not pointing to Jesus Christ and His gospel.

An apostle of Jesus Christ is willing to die for the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.  An apostle of Jesus Christ will deny himself so that God and others come before himself.  An apostle of Jesus Christ will continue go back to Scripture, the words of God, to guide others and model their own lives after.  The false teachers were not doing this.

The whole counsel of the gospel is that their end will also follow suit of the end of their leader, the devil.  Read of how Satan's reign ends in the book of Revelation and you have the picture of how these false teachers lives will end if there is not a transformation by the grace of God through the cross of Christ. 

I guess I will end our time with a couple of questions.  The first is "Who is your leader?"  The second is, "Do your words and deeds reflect your answer to the first question?"  It is possible to say "Christ" to the first question but then live like the devil in response to the second question.  If that is the case then you need to go back to question number one and face the reality that your words and actions reveal who your true leader is.

"Lord, coming to You involves us accepting the fact that at first we are not with You.  We are sinners and following Satan.  We are under his reign and You are the only One who can and do break the power of sin.  You are calling out to us and others to follow a new leader because this new leader did something for us and no one else could do.  May our lives reflect through our words and actions Your life to continue to give glory to God.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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