Wednesday morning and my first run through...ahead of schedule...

     I think back to my first year in the ministry in 1986 and how at times I was up until 2 or 3 in the morning on Sundays finishing up what I would say to the congregation in just a few hours.  I would like to think that it wasn't a time management process (although I was flying by the seat of my pants) but now having this much time with the Scriptures and seeing how it flows and its overall purpose that the sermon comes easier but maybe it is now harder to deliver with the weight of what is being said.  I spend so much more time now thinking and reflecting on the message than the actual words that I have on the screen or in the bulletin outline.  So here are some pre-thoughts about the upcoming sermon.

     A decision needs to be made between following the lusts of men or the will of God.  The problem is that Peter had people in the church (Christians) who were still following and living their lives following the lusts of men.  He paints the picture of the progression of sin so they can see it and nod their heads in acknowledgement.  Now Peter goes to the question of how do I follow the will of God.  Peter is putting the oars in the boat that we are in so we can make some progress forward.

1.  have a clear mind and a Spirit focused mind so that we can pray

2.  have wedding altar type of love for our brothers and sisters in Christ

3.  to be generous in sharing with others what God has provided to you on a regular basis

4.  use your God-given gift - speaking or serving - to wait on others for the glory of God

     Peter is giving his listeners what needs to be put into place as they eliminate the following of the lusts of men.  It is interesting that Peter is speaking our language about "staying or buying local" with his instruction on praying and loving and sharing and serving first with those closest to you.  Don't worry, there will be bleed over that will take you farther than you could even imagine.  God's people praying and loving and sharing and serving God's way with God's people opens the doors for others to see and experience the love of God first hand.

     So some questions:
1.  Do I need to increase my prayer life with God, not just in quantity but quality of time with Him?

2.  How much love to I have for those in the church?  Do I even know the names of those I worship with on a regular basis?  How can I agape love them if I don't know them?

3.  What do I have that God has given or provided for me that I need to share with others or offer it up to be used for His glory?  It is all His but do I practically live that way?

4.  God says that if we are a Christian that each of us has a precious gift given to us to wait on others, am I in the act of serving others?  It is not so much that I can identify what that gift is, others can do that for me as I focus on serving.   Serving and not knowing (specifically) is more important than knowing and not serving.  

God bless your week and now to more thinking about this passage...




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