The practice of turning a negative list into a positive one...

     Lately I have been listening to the podcast of Thom Rainer and gleaning many important life lessons especially as it relates to the general church.  His latest had a list of the "8 Warning Signs Of The Most Common Factor in Declining Churches." Here is the link to listen:  Thom Rainer Podcast

     Listed is a list that is usually in the negative and I like to go through and look at the possible positive solution.  So here is my attempt.
  1. There are very few attempts to minister to those in the community.  (Therefore we need to keep community focused with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Local efforts will reflect in more workers for global efforts.) 
  2. Church business meetings become arguments over preferences and desires.  (Therefore is would be great to change not just in name but also focus the church business meeting to a church ministry meeting.  Business may be discussed but it is always underneath the umbrella of ministry.)
  3. Numbers of members in the congregation are openly critical of the pastor, other church staff, and lay leaders in the church.  (Don't resort or default to the behind the back criticism of leadership rather stick to Biblical standards when covering any issues of the church or leadership in the church.)
  4. Any change necessary to become a Great Commission church is met with anger and resistance.  (The Great Commission has spanned cultural changes throughout the ages, therefore, keep it going with the message of Christ knowing the methods may vary from place to place and time to time.)
  5. The past becomes the hero.  (Therefore, document the past and learn from it but keep in the present.)
  6. Culture is seen as the enemy instead of an opportunity for believers to become salt and light.  (Therefore keep asking the question, "How does the Bible relate and answer and give ministry to this cultural shift?"  It has an answer.)
  7. Pastors and other leaders in the church become discouraged and withdraw from effective leadership.  (Therefore keep your pastor and spiritual leaders encouraged.  For me seeing the congregation following the basic spiritual disciplines as a way of life that guides life lifts the soul.)
  8. If the churches are a part of a denomination or similar affiliation, meetings of those denominations mirror the churches in lost focus and divisiveness.  (Therefore keep Bible-focused affiliations.) 
So this is just a practice I go through when I see a negative list (needed at times to get perspective of what is in front of us) and flip it over to start to look at the possible solution.  Many times it shows me where we have stepped off of God's path.

God bless your weekend.



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