Great podcast from Thom Rainer about inviting people to church...

Why Church Members Don't Invite Others To Church

Here is a shortened list of the content.

1.  don't think about it
2.  afraid to be rejected
3.  music isn't good
4.  preaching isn't strong
5.  too many church problems
6.  already too crowded
7.  not challenged to invite
8.  don't know how to start the conversation
9.  Spirit's job, not mine
10.  too far for people to come

A great podcast to listen to and be encouraged about the opportunity that we all have on a regular basis.

Sunday is approaching and I think the number 1 reason is really the number 1 reason.  It is usually a question of priority in our lives.  

God bless your opportunity to be in a church this Sunday with other followers of Jesus Christ, worshiping together the King of kings and Lord of lords.



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