
Showing posts from October, 2012

Great Monday morning song...

Here is Sara Groves performing "Eyes on the Prize" I love the line "I got my hand on the gospel plow, won't take nothin' for my jouney now." Also I am so thankful that I have seen a man, and child and family free because of the prize. Enjoy - Adam "Eyes On The Prize" Paul and Silas bound in jail Got no money for to go their bail Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on Paul and Silas thought they lost The dungeon shook and the chains fell off Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on Freedom's name is mighty sweet And one day soon we're gonna meet Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on I got my hand on the gospel plow Won't take nothing for my journey now Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on The way is slow, and we've so far to go Keep your eyes on the prize, The way is slow, and we've so far to go Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on Only chain a man can stand Is that chain of hand on hand Keep your eyes...

So my wife is now a blogger...

I am so thankful that Stephanie is doing this.  Actually I get to help out with the videos for the blog about restoring health through nutrition.  Stephanie gets to put out there what she is learning and showing some of it through videos on recipes and such.  A lot of practical advise from my #1 care giver.  Check it out.  --Adam--

Video on being a pastor...

Here is a link to a message on being the pastor of a church.  It has some very practical lessons from the scripture.  I think one line that jumped out at me is the realization of why I get down sometimes.  Sometimes the only time that I hear from my people is when something is wrong and maybe I will hear multiples of this on one Sunday morning.  Something needs to be corrected so let's tell Pastor Adam.  Many of the relationships a pastor has are one-sided and so isolation can set in fast when you don't keep pursuing relationships with others.  It is a lonely place at times and you can feel in the dark about a lot but God didn't promise that it would be easy.  His 5 points are well taken.  --Adam--

Getting ready for the craft show...

I really enjoy working with wood and using what I have.  So here is what I came up with. 2 reclaimed wood candle holder - table runners 2 reclaimed wood boxes 2 reclaimed wood garden boxes or center pieces 2 cedar desktop letter holders 2 cedar utensil holders 1 cedar box with holders 1 old box cleaned up from the dumpster I will be at a table selling Stephanie's animals this Saturday for her and hopefully we will be successful!!! Adam

A great article on preaching...

Ten Reasons for Expository Preaching by E.K. Bailey October 23, 2012 in  E.K. Bailey ,  expository preaching ,  Preaching with  4 Comments The late  Dr. E.K. Bailey , founding pastor of the  Concord Church  in Dallas, wrote a booklet, entitled,  ā€œTen Reasons for Expository Preaching.ā€ In this booklet, Dr. Bailey defines expository preaching: ā€œAn expository sermon is a message that focuses on a portion of scripture so as to clearly establish the precise meaning of the text and to poignantly motivate the hearers to actions or attitudes dictated by that text in the power of the Holy Spirit.ā€ Then Bailey gives ten reasons why the church desperately needs expository preaching: 1. Expository preaching creates a Bible-bringing congregation. 2. Expository preaching creates a Bible loving congregation. 3. Expository preaching a Word-conscious congregation. 4. Expository preaching forces the preacher to proclaim the whole counsel o...

A couple photos...

Here is the food at our latest nutrition meeting at the church... I am still picking greens from the garden in the middle of October... Adam

Getting ready for a great Sunday...

     I am looking ahead and planning and it seems to me that we will be able to get through Matthew 15 by the end of the year.  15 chapters in 52 weeks so we should be able to get through the final 13 in 2013 with some room to spare.  I am so enjoying going through this gospel chapter by chapter and verse by verse.  It is enabling me to walk "slowly" with Jesus through His life.      Something that I will be doing again this Sunday that I have found myself doing in the past but not really realizing it is to make an invitation right along with Jesus.  When I come to a passage of scripture where Jesus gives an invitation to follow Him or to be apart of His family that I just extent that invitation.  It is not me making the invitation, it is Jesus and right along in the text that we are studying.  I don't know why I had realized this earlier as a practice but I am sure to continue and encourage other pastors to do the same. ...

So we can be funny at times...

Here is the video announcements from church this morning.  We can get silly (especially Stephanie) but this lets you know that all is well!!! Adam

a great church video...

Watch this video that is about a church in Lansing.  Notice that it doesn't mention any of its programs.  I can't get out of my head the line about the Scripture being sufficient and that the Scripture would be central in all that we do. Adam

good teaching Some good teaching.  I can relate. Adam

It has been officially a year...

It has been officially a year that we have been juicing everyday and we have done it everyday.  1 quart to 2 quarts a day for one year.  This was just the start of going through the house and eliminating anything with soy or hidden msg, aspartame and high fructose corn syrup.  The cupboards were pretty bare but it left us with the real food.  The juicer has held up.  We went from the fine screen to the more coarse one.  When you think of thin juice, that is not what we drink.  It can sometimes hold up a spoon.  A mixture of fruits and vegetables along with some herb powders has been a part of my morning routine.  30 minutes to prepare. What has been the result?  Well I look at the total picture, not just the juicer but also the transition to a plant based foods that has helped me to recover from chemo and radiation.  I have not added the pounds previous to this whole event for over a year and a half so I have kept the...

A good audio clip to listen to...

John MacArthur speaking to our times The above is a link to a page with a couple of audio clips.  Pastor John speaks to some recent events and how it relates to the Bible. Adam