
Showing posts from August, 2012

Some of Stephanie's friends....

Stephanie calls these "Kozy Kritters" and they just come out of her head.  Another college fund adventure this summer along with the bread making at the local market.  A little bit of our life outside of the work at the church.  It is amazing conversations that God has opened up at the market and new friendships we have made. Already planning a new stand for next year.  A project for the winter. a rainbow pig a blue octopus - a big seller a yellow dog a green turtle - also another big seller a pick octopus a bear that didn't hang around long the big blue bird our ponies don't last long on the stand the multi-colored octopus a duck a cute elephant a purple turtle the big green frog - Steph also makes a little version a moose a cow Have a great week and upcoming holiday weekend.  --Adam--

Another great video on dealing with suffering...


So it has been awhile...

     It has been so busy that I almost forgot about this, and this will probably be a short post too.  My world has been fueled by the start of the school year which seems to be the start of the church year also.  Plans and programs are coming together to have a great start for September with our church building being used more than ever.  Some weeks I am only home in the evening one night a week.      That brings up a health point.  The colonoscopy went well and I no longer have a medi-port.  Next week is my 3rd CAT scan and some more blood work that will give me another marker on how things are going.  A doctor visit with the oncologist followed by a visit to the surgeon in Grand Rapids will hopefully end the frequency of visits for awhile.  All that to say that Stephanie and I have been keeping a fantastic schedule with the church, the market, the garden, and the cleaning job along with outside conference du...

Quote from Tullian...

     Tullian Tchividjian is the grandson of Ruth and Billy Graham.  Tullian was the prodigal child that ran as hard as he could away from God.  When he came to his senses he turned back to God and this is a quote about the church that he walked into.  This comes from an article called "A Cry for Difference from the Culturally Weary."      " I was very thankful that I walked into a church that was different--a church where the otherness of God was sensed immediately.  In the music, in the message, and in the mingling afterward, it was clear that God was the guest of honor there, not I.  I had suffered the consequences of the modern world's emphasis on the individual, and I was unbelievably refreshed to discover a place that took the focus off me and put it on Him.  He was the one being "lifted up for all men to see," not the pastor or the "praise team."  He was the difference I longed for, not some carefully orchestrated ...

Fired up but biblical


I think I have found another preacher to listen to...

Sometimes I think I sound like this but then I pull out the cd from Sunday and reality sets in. Adam

Another great lecture by Dr. McDougall...

Worth the listen. Adam

More than a year out and now the follow-ups...

With a year lapsed now from my surgery last July, now comes the follow up tests.  Tomorrow is my colonoscopy and also the removal of the chemo port.  Later in the month I will have another CAT scan to check again for possible cancer.  If all is clear with these and the follow up with the surgeon to inspect my wound, I hope to say this is the end of tests for a good long while.  Stephanie and I continue our juicing routine that we started last October and also our no meat/animal fat eating lifestyle since the first of the year.  We will be continuing on with this as we have seen such a great improvement in our health and also as preventative to the give a door open for the cancer to return. Sunday morning worship has been so good lately.  Our working through the book of Matthew has gotten us to chapter 10 with the start of this book at the beginning of the year.  God has set it up so that we will be talking about laborers for Christ as Jesus sends out...

I am amazed at the info that is out there...

More information on cancer, fighting it and helping to prevent it. Adam

I love a great transition...

     I have listened to Stephanie play the keyboard so many times and just marveled and continue to when she blends one song into another.  Sometimes that transition is so seamless that the congregation is shocked that we are into the next song.  It almost sounds like it was written that way from the beginning.  I know that there are times that it happens and it is amazement to Stephanie and that she could probably not reproduce it.  I call that God taking over.      Every once in a while I get one of those while preaching.  I have had plenty of times when God took over and gave me the words and direction to go but when I have a planned event, like a funeral, and I need to get to the gospel but sometimes the door is not open to my eyes, His eyes are wide open. That happened again today.  The group gathered has no idea what is going on behind the scene and I am so thankful that I can praise the Lord while preaching because He ...