So it has been awhile...

     It has been so busy that I almost forgot about this, and this will probably be a short post too.  My world has been fueled by the start of the school year which seems to be the start of the church year also.  Plans and programs are coming together to have a great start for September with our church building being used more than ever.  Some weeks I am only home in the evening one night a week.

     That brings up a health point.  The colonoscopy went well and I no longer have a medi-port.  Next week is my 3rd CAT scan and some more blood work that will give me another marker on how things are going.  A doctor visit with the oncologist followed by a visit to the surgeon in Grand Rapids will hopefully end the frequency of visits for awhile.  All that to say that Stephanie and I have been keeping a fantastic schedule with the church, the market, the garden, and the cleaning job along with outside conference duties and we are still going and going strong.  Again, all I can go back to is that we have changed and that is our diet.  It sure has opened up a lot of conversations as we have been consistent with it and others are seeing the results.

     We are at Matthew 10 and it is challenging as usual.  Jesus tells the disciples to pray for laborers for the harvest and then He sends them out.  He gives them basic instructions in the first part of the chapter and then gets really heavy about how Jesus wants us to "be" as servants of the Lord.  Jesus states some of the hardest sayings about being a follower of Him.  I think it is important that this discourse is applied to all who serve from what we might think to be the most simple to the most complex.  His standards would give us a great church in every department.



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