A very busy weekend ahead....

     Friday night wedding rehearsal, Saturday morning set up at the market, men's breakfast, elder meeting, Relay for Life opening, tear down at market, wedding ceremony, get ready for Sunday, Sunday morning worship, Sunday night Bible study, etc...

     We are in the wedding time of the year and I have 3 slated for this summer.  That is up from years past.  One is a couple of kids that I have known since they were 2 years old.  Staying in one place for a long time really has some long-term benefits to the congregation and also to the pastor.  It is so important to keep current with your relationships within the congregation.

     This Sunday is "... and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."  This petition is about confession of sin but it is also about us keeping in a forgiving mode.  The term "unforgiving Christian" is an oxymoron.  I am always thankful when Jesus gives some extra teaching on the topic in a parable form.  He gets very blunt with this subject.  

     So off to the weekend and some more prep on what I am going to say at the wedding beyond the vows and Scripture reading.  It will be good to see some old friends and also get another time to stress the biblical definition of marriage and God's overall purpose for this relationship.  



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